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About TechnoLuna

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  1. but i also want to know when does the support usually end again i want to make sure i wont be too late when im unbanned (im banned till 20th february)
  2. i really need to know because im banned for 3 months because of my history. i want to make sure i won't be too late when i'm unbanned
  3. damn i only just realized that my game mode is turned off my fps is kinda better now. thank you bro
  4. i know i did a post on my lags but nothing helped me. i keep getting crazy stuttering lags in crowded areas, theyre just crazy as hell. is it because i have 8 gb of ram and i play on laptop? i also have a video of my lags: https://medal.tv/ru/games/euro-truck-sim-2/clips/j6yvKchXr0ZGOjyWP?invite=cr-MSxETzEsMjM5OTgxMzYwLA i hope i will get actual working solutions cuz i've literally tried everything and it only improved my performance a little little bit.
  5. i changed my gamma in the nvidia settings a lil bit. now i see everything :3
  6. today when i was playing truckersmp everything was fine until now. everytime i join im just stuck on authenticating for 2 minutes. and my internet connection is fine too. why does this happen?
  7. okay, ill try this
  8. same with the speedbumps at that intersection between brussel and rotterdam on the exit to duisburg. i also have save edit and low suspended truck so it damages my vehicle too..
  9. everytime i have high beams on other players always flash me. but the thing is i cant drive without the high beams because i just cant see properly. and the brightness thingy in the settings doesnt even work so i dont know what to do. are there any solutions how do i improve my visibility without high beams on?
  10. i did a post yesterday and it still isnt approved for some reason. why so?
  11. i saw some people having tinted windows on their skoda and i cant figure out how to do it. i know how to do save edit btw
  12. how can you make tinted windows on skoda? i saw some people on a skoda having tinted windows. i know its save edit thats why i wanna know how they do that

  13. i have everything disabled, scaling is 75% and even my resolution is lowered but it still keeps lagging and freezing
  14. even with a good laptop that has a gtx 1650 but 8 gb of ram i still get freezes and fps drops and then i get to the most zygolobous crashes ever. how do i fix it?
  15. literally there wasn't traffic jams at the railway before now why are they happening
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