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About kevin_nituom

  • Birthday 08/14/1996

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Düsseldorf
  • Known languages
    German and English

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  1. I've been playing normally for the last few days and haven't had any problems. Today I get kicked as soon as I enter the server. I have not changed anything. I don't know what NetTrailer is either. I'm on the premises of a company to pick up a trailer. Can anyone help me why and why I am suddenly having such problems? Here is the message I am getting: "You have been Kicked from the server. Reason: Invalid accessory set detected. Sorry, you cannot use this! (NetTrailer)" Update: I once canceled the job and accepted a new one in a different city. As soon as the order was canceled, it worked again. As soon as I accepted the new order, I was immediately kicked out again.
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