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About David246805

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  1. I have only been driving online for a month or so. Unforgettable and funny thing for me. I was on the CD road from after joining the road going from Cologne to Dover. We were stuck behind a couple of slow heavy haulers all the way plus normal traffic. 2 people hit each other after one tried to merge from the Amsterdam side. Both were saying enjoy your ban and rec and stuff. They were calling each other names like retard and a lot more. Being stuck behind two heavy haulers and going 20kms per hour means a lot of time to type and read. We were approaching the railway crossing with the two still arguing and calling each other names and talking about each others mamas. We then must of came in range of a mod as suddenly both were banned in the same minute. Made me laugh and saw on chat others laughing as well.
  2. Raining on the Gold Coast for the last few days.
  3. Facebook. Pop Music or Rock?
  4. Man. British TV comedy or American TV comedy?
  5. The Beatles. Tom Hanks movies or Tom Cruise movies?
  6. Enhancing my existing knowledge. Peas or Carrots?
  7. I give you a 50 dollar MacDonalds Voucher.
  8. White and Black. Spaghetti Bolognese or Mac and Cheese?
  9. Tea. KFC or McDonalds?
  10. Mack. Driving through Italy or Switzerland?
  11. Warner Bros. Coffee or Tea?
  12. Bottled Water. Dinner with The Rock or Kevin Hart?
  13. At home. Swimming in a pool or swimming at the beach?
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