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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by SMURFY.

  1. Thank you to everyone who came to RLC's 2nd Anniversary today. Your support is massively appreciated by everyone and the turnout today was amazing to see! A special thanks to the Event Staff and TMP Staff (most of the them below) for making sure the event ran smoothly, you guys were fantastic. ❤️ I'm sure John will have more to say in his post whenever he does one, but I just wanted to say thanks to everyone. :P 


    Credit to John for this photo and also credit to him for everything he does for RLC, I have never seen someone so committed to a VTC before and he deserves massive praise for the amount of work and commitment he contributes to RLC. ? 



    1. Beau.


      Thanks a lot Smurfy for your kinds words! Love you too ❤️

    2. Mayukh


      Thanks Smurfy for being the best game mod at that event ❤️

    3. Spig_Xiao Zhu

      Spig_Xiao Zhu

      Congratulations on the 2nd anniversary of RLC. It's a good organization,I had a good time driving last night!❤️

  2. MDllMTgwNTBmYzk.png


    Felt cute, might ban someone later. This no longer makes sense as the image appears to have disappeared.


    P.S. Think we need to improve our formation skills @Olioak @Savage. @Lasse @Ali. :wub: Also, please just say the photo looks good to make me feel better. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SMURFY.


      You guys are making me emotional :wub:

    3. Alon_TMP


      Wow   nice:love:

    4. Guest



  3. Congratulations, very proud of you and it's all very well deserved rewards. 

    1. Beau.


      Thanks bro <3

  4. Happy birthday, have a great day! :D

  5. Got a lot of messages to catch up on now Mr.TGMO, don't forget about me when you become famous! Congratulations boss, very proud of you! :love:

    1. Beau.


      Haha, thank you Smurfy :wub:

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