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  1. Interesting poll, my most used truck are Scania R730 and FH750, just because of the elegant looks if you tune it right, I don't like spamming 99 yellow lights everywhere. They are quick, fast but fuel efficiency is --uh I pick DAF bc it's my current favorite and it has the bigger variety out of any brand in-game togheter with Renault. DAF XF 105, DAF XF Euro 6 and DAF XD/XG+ 2021. Comfort, interior, amazing fuel efficiency and the speed / cargo performance is nice as well. XF 105 for the old-ish style and simple tuning Euro 6 looks amazing with white color for some reason. 2021 has no blindspots and I love mirror cameras (in ETS2)
  2. Hello everyone, I am a bit late lol. Yeah, It encourages other players to overtake in wrong scenarios and increase risk of accidents sometimes, what if the same thing is happening when someone is going far by below the speed limit in a highway ? Would it be reckless? That's interesting, for me the wrong thing comes when players don't let the people overtake or give any sign / way to do so, which is not punishable but it just makes a better environment for all and reduces accident risk. When I casually drive 80-90 due to heavy I let everyone pass by left blinker sign. 60 is reckless for me in-game, but 110 also is in some curves, 60 might provoke others to overtake in the wrong time and cause a collisions, 110 might make driver lose control and crash, there's an average for everything and never should be too much or too low. Usually what I do but many dont. I think you should let the others overtake by giving some space or blinker signal. I agree with everything here, an average driving speed that makes everyone happy is 80-90 as you said. This is the kind of behaviour / driving speed I like, it doesn't interfere with anyone and no one will see you as a road obstruction. Haven't seen anyone mad because of it. Good suggestion, 310 hp with 60t people must be extinct 3. Is the most punishable one for me, I like that some GMs actually take action for it. I like seeing everyones opinion, thank you guys for taking the time to give a thought. As i mentioned earlier I'm not saying all of these actions should get punishments (theres some execptions such as 310 horsep- and highway / intersection slow driving) But it makes a greater environment for everyone and not everyone will be desesperate to overtake.
  3. I rarely see someone enjoyning C-D chaos , everyone honks and in everyone chat seems to be mad and spamming rec ban
  4. Classic people not knowning what the map is and overtaking then going into the grass, thats normal idiotness, I keep myself under my limits, I do a lot of things u mention except i actually check the map and see if someone is coming before overtaking, it's just getting a right timing, having the impulse to overtake. True, as long the driver going slow is one of these people who pick a 310 bhp with train 60 ton load (so annoying and no point), If i get asked what to remove from TMP if i could it'd be that combo Yeah its impossible, i just like to vent myself a little bit here, its late and im bored here.
  5. Hello I almost never play at server peak as it's just stressful, I always play on the nighttime with server less than 1000 people, free way and still the slowness issues. One of the exact reasons i never touch TMP when the servers have over 2000 people, I like to relax at 90-110 kmh going C-D as many times as i can in my free time but theres still slowness everywhere and out of gas stations and train (I actually never complain about train) Could go normally 90+ and slowy brake when a turn is approaching down to 60, idrc if its a turn bc i understand them. Completely agree
  6. Another thing that triggers is that when a traffic light turns green, none will move and they take a lot of time to atleast try to accelerate, just why? are they doing something else at the same time of playing? they shouldn't be playing at all then...
  7. Ok the title is not everything i want to talk about. Theres more to cover, starting off: - In the last 2 weeks I've got this feeling that most drivers purposefully slow in a exaggerated way, maybe it's just me because I dont remember people driving this slow the point of this is: can going slow be really harmful for others? maybe its heavy cargo, maybe its the truck or people wanting realism but i've seen some people with 310 hp engines and 60 tons load, what do u guys think about this? I think doing this can create some traffic jam in the way some people who want to overtake might end up making collisions, it's not like 110 kmh is needed at all times but i've seen fast enough trucks with normal trailers going at 60 all the time, im guessing theyre respecting the speed limit of C-D, but 60 is way too slow (ik this is not a racing game) ik its meant to be realistic, but lets speak facts here, trucks don't go 60 kmh all the time irl, they will mostly be up to 80-90 atleast where I live and i bet its like that in europe too, I've seen loads of collisions and bans due to the slow people, now if someone wants heavy cargo in C-D thats not the place for it, ProMods server exists for some reason and if they dont have DLCs, alpine road exists aswell, now what i think heavy cargo users should do is put blinkers and give a little bit of space for them to be overtaken, 2nd option would be stop being reckless with 310 bhp iveco and actually pick something meant for that heavy cargo, tail-gaters is also related to this but.. why do u guys think most people want to go at 60 kmh all the time purposefully (no matter what the case is) and create potential crashes?
  8. Yeah makes sense how GTA users would abuse this... Thank you!
  9. Is there any hope that the special transport DLC is finally made compatible with TMP? No one has talked abt this in a year so.. It is too dificult or is it basically because people would abuse this by save editing? Or because trucks dont fit in promods with extra wide loads?
  10. I'm lagging badly aswell
  11. Yup, i have a RX 6600 8 GB, i disabled the "Fake Shadows" and it all looks realistic and normal.
  12. Thank you for your answer, yeah i agree! I like both but in my opinion this is better.
  13. Good afternoon! Just did the route twice and i saw plenty people! Don't remember if you were there but anyways thank you! Have a good day.
  14. Agreed, Calais-Duisburg is a tradition, not all people will move but i think that if we try to use this road actively with friends, etc. It will slowy become popular (not as C-D) but let's say some 100-200 in the Road and 10-20 in the cities.
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