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鄂J 88888

 TruckersMP Profile
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About 鄂J 88888

  • Birthday 07/14/2004

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Las Vegas
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Dortmund
  • Known languages
    Chinese English

TruckersMP Information

External Websites

  • World Of Trucks

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  1. 最好得办法重新创建一个steam账号然后购买游戏在自己注册一个TMP账号不然得话你这样用联系不上那个人所以这样非常不方便只有自己重创自己有一个账号随时登陆
  2. I think the game needs to hire people from other countries as well Every time I play, I always see people blocking the road, or deliberately colliding with others, or some people abusive This situation can be annoying for many people, and it is not possible to play the game happily People from different countries play the game at different times, and some people may not be able to enter the game because of work, and some people who do not follow the rules may not be able to enter the game The best solution should be to hire people from other countries In the game, I saw too many people playing unhappily because of the blockage I don't mind joining the team I'm willing to spend time in the game Let some people who drive safely drive happily, warn some people who drive unsafely, and ban or punish them I was able to manage the game during the time when you were not in charge This is my personal experience in the game of a lot of people who drive unpleasantly or don't follow the rules, so I make some suggestions and don't embarrass anyone
  3. In the future, TMP should be available in multiple languages, and other languages will take time to go live
  4. Hello friend

  5. That's going to be great I'm looking forward to when the truck will come out
  6. Hello friends This is my first attempt at UI production, and it's not very good, but there should be some people who like it, and I hope it can pass the review The name of the UI package:Excavator UI pack Font Used:Chinese Made For MP Version: Download Link: Please contact me Screenshot:
  7. Hello friends, I tried to change TMPui for the first time, I have changed it, I think there should be people who like my work, I want to share, but how to share it in the forum
  8. 朋友:你好,我制作了自己的 Oka UI,关于如何在论坛上分享它

    1. TMP- Woodpecker

      TMP- Woodpecker


    2. 鄂J 88888

      鄂J 88888

      Friend: Hello, I made my own Oka UI on how it should be shared on the forum

    3. Austin1203


      你好 @鄂J 88888











  9. 大家好,我制作了自己的Oka ui如何分享

  10. thanks for following me friend  ❤️

  11. Welcome to here,Hope you can enjoy it

    1. 鄂J 88888

      鄂J 88888

      Friend, do you know how to change the UI?

    2. 鄂J 88888

      鄂J 88888

      Thank you

  12. Welcome to the forum  ❤️ 

    1. 鄂J 88888

      鄂J 88888

      Thank you

    2. 鄂J 88888

      鄂J 88888

      Friend, do you know how to change the UI?

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