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 TruckersMP Profile
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About [R S L] BADER (TMP)

  • Birthday 08/19/1986

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Horse riding swimming truck simulator
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Calais
  • Known languages
    العربيه الانجليزية

TruckersMP Information

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[R S L] BADER (TMP)'s Achievements


Rookie (2/13)

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  1. Happy birthday my friend 

  2. Happy birthday my friend 

  3. Happy birthday my friend 

  4. In TruckersMP I love how the game allows players to communicate and interact with each other in a realistic and fun environment. Feeling part of a large community of drivers can be great, as you can exchange tips, stories, and even participate in events together at TruckersMP
  5. Yes, slow driving can be considered reckless in some scenarios. For example: 1. **On highways:** If you drive too slowly on a highway where the speed limit is high, this may confuse other drivers and increase the risk of accidents. 2. **In crowded areas:** Excessively slow driving in areas where drivers expect a certain speed may lead to traffic congestion, causing frustration and stress on other drivers. 3. **When passing curves or intersections:** If you drive too slowly in these areas, this may affect other drivers’ ability to correctly estimate distance and speed
  6. Happy Birthday  🎂

  7. Happy Birthday  🎂

    1. NeonLeon


      Thank you 🙂

  8. Happy Birthday  🎂

  9. Happy Birthday  🎂

  10. Happy Birthday  🎂

    1. Baratako


      Thank you!

  11. Happy Birthday  🎂

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