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Skoda hater 7531

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  1. @Sunstrider @Falke The speed bumps that I've shown in my forum post unfortunately doesn't work the same way that you've explained, when you ignore them and don't slow down, it's exactly as if they were not placed there at all. Normally the consequences is that you can lose control or even wreck your vehicle but in this case I was speeding around 140 (faster than the Simulation 1 speed limit) and it ended up being completely fine. So from my perspective these type of speed bumps currently doesn't have any benefits for traffic control, especially when people are gonna use the gas station to overtake other people that way. Not only that but I've also seen traffic stack up there because of someone driving unnecessarily slow on those bumps thinking that it can damage their vehicle, this resulted into others trying to overtake on terrain which is not appropriate and reckless. And for some reason, only one direction of these two gas stations have speed bumps on them. Is the add-on team aware of these issues? And @If Its Itchy,Just Scratch I can also agree that the current road layout can't really bring these people to not drive recklessly
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