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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About TruckerTom94

  • Birthday May 20

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  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Website Development
    Events Organisation
    VTC Owner
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: London
  • Known languages

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  1. F4A Event Leaving in 20mins, F4A server Calais Port:


  2. EuroTruckRadio Convoy - Test Rules Server (EU3)  |   luxembourg - hotel  |   Destination - Rotterdam  |  Leaving at 19:00

  3. ETR convoy, Eu3 Uppsala Drekkar Trans 20:00 leave time

  4. ETR Convoy Leaving At 19:30 BST Hannover EU1 

  5. Stage 2 of F4A charity Event on Event Server. in Nurnberg Leaving at 19:00 BST!! Extra details on TFM from Ccowie!

  6. maybe they will release the DLC and the Truck at the same time. hmm theory's..
  7. Hi All, if you would like to run Sphinx Haulage and bring it back to an active vtc or have an interest in anything to do with my VTC please contact me and we can get something sorted i don't have the time i used too to run a VTC. Any offers will be considered. Discord ID: TruckerTom#7476 or email: [email protected] :P

  8. I along with the team at ETR Events would like to thank everyone who came to the Bradley Lowery Memorial Convoy this afternoon. We had a good turn out of people

    (30-40 Truckers) and the convoy stayed together, and no one got lost 

    Thank you all for attending, and we (may) see you at another.

  9. euro TRUCK simulator 2, go play GTA if you want to drive cars. The scout car was only added mainly for Admins really And it is stupid the amount of times this comes up:
  10. Couple of my best images this month, including both custom made skins made by myself (also this month XD)
  11. While thats all well and good... Cars wont be removed for the simple reason it would waste too much of the modders time and also money that they more than likely paid to include this 'mod' in TMP
  12. ETR weekly convoy returns tomorrow: http://ets2c.com/view/66322/etr-dj-ajax-grimsby-service-station come and join us & let us know if you are coming on ETS2C

    -Thanks ETR Team

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