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About ThatSunnyGuy

  • Birthday May 5

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  1. And again, people want to see results if someone has done something MAJOR that deserved to be banned. Hence why it works...
  2. Again, it depends on what they have done, MAJOR or MINOR. If someone blocked the road, and it leads to a big traffic jam (which can happen) to me that would be a ban. If they crashed into another driver, and it causes both to f7, that is a ban. If the driver decided to use racial slurs etc, that is a ban. And there is a lot more on what is a ban and probably maybe warnings and kicks (being 2 warnings is enough). Probably... Either way, for me, if someone did something bad, I would hope they have been reported and banned. There's been times when I knew where people crashed into them or overtook them when they did need to do. Heck, there were two trucks who purposely crashed into me and made it hard for me to drive. If I had a recording of it, I would send it as a report, and it would be a BAN. Simple as that. Hence, why banning is just simple and easy. Giving people warnings may help those who could not do it again, but there are a few people who feel lucky and will end up doing it again.
  3. The kick is mostly is a warning (most likely) and pretty much people will constantly ask you to f7 to teleport to a service station but still you will be reported and mods (with discretion) might ban you or say no and their reason.
  4. The idea i good, but then it means that the mods are going to highlight on what's minor and what's major for rule breaking. Also, it depends on what really happens. If they collided with truck(s), which causes the entire road to back up or if you drove the wrong way which causes you to collide with another truck and cause others rage, or trying to do a U-turn on a road when there's traffic behind you, and you are taking too long to do it resulting them to report you, that really depends on the mods to consider a warning or a ban. It really comes down to what is REALLY minor and what is very major depending on the crime they committed. Also, most people who they reported would likely to have an answer on if they have been banned or not. Maybe some would actually fight to get their reports to be successful. There are all sorts of people who drive trucks (and cars) and either they are new or experienced, they would not stand on a collision and the perpetrator getting away with it. It is a thought but I like the idea. If it goes on hold, I think it depends on the mods to highlight what they will give a warning to and what no OR on discretion. Anyway, good thought!
  5. Speed bumps won't do anything because drivers will drive through it and anyone would not care about it personally.
  6. I agree with lots of people in this. the idea is really good but you have other drivers who wouldn’t care if there’s a safety team. Even if they are there on the CD road (which is where majority will be) they will ignore the Safety Team and do whatever they want. If the safety team was full of mods though, perhaps that would work but again they wouldn’t just make a new category because they there’s no need. Also mods would likely be there (perhaps) so really they ARE the safety team. Also, the lag would be something to consider. If you look at CD road, you have many trucks and cars on that route and there’s a few that’s on the grass or on the emergency lane. Having more trucks might be difficult for those who wants to drive on CD road. I wouldn’t want to drive there due to lag and constant worry that I’m gonna get kicked. Overall, it’s a good idea but the only safety team should be the mods (and they are already doing what they should be doing anyways). Good suggestion though!
  7. I like this idea. I drive with my VTC and sometimes, they have to click on my name. Having it for VTC means that everyone does not have to find your name, and it is easier for everyone to follow your load.
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