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About [SCM]Ξmpresive

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    Belgium: Brussels
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  1. This route looks really cool and thanks to your detailed explanation I would definitely try it! However, I think TruckersMP needs to find a solution for the Calais-Duisburg route as soon as possible. The roads are too narrow and these areas often become a hub for trollers. I think these roads should be limited to the number of people or security measures should be increased. This way it would be a more enjoyable driving experience for everyone.
  2. The new player panel has a really stylish and modern look in terms of design. Its user-friendly structure is quite impressive for both new players and experienced users. However, when we enter the game, the panel's large size on the screen can be tiring at times. This can be a little annoying, especially when we want to focus on the game quickly. In addition, it is a great innovation that the in-game friend list management has become much more practical! Now we can choose and follow our friends more easily. Such improvements are among the important details that improve our gaming experience. In general, the innovations brought by the panel are quite appreciated. Perfection can be achieved by arranging small details.
  3. The location of the road is in an area where there are many players, the best choice on such roads would be to turn at the next intersection and continue on my way, all other possibilities are risky.
  4. I recently had the chance to try out the 1.51 update of Euro Truck Simulator 2 and it was a really great experience! This update offers many innovations and improvements that take the overall quality of the game to the next level. The new graphics and menu design that comes with the update has greatly increased the visuals of the game. The menus have become more modern and very easy to use. There is a world full of details that please our eyes even while driving on the road! The fluidity of the gameplay has also increased greatly. A smoother experience is offered with the new update. This fluidity really makes a big difference when you are on long journeys. That sense of satisfaction you feel while driving on the road with your vehicle is now even more intense. The feedback from the community about this update is also very positive. It is great to see that they are constantly working to enrich the experience of players with various new features and improvements! Have you tried this update? What are your favorite features? Or are there any points that you find lacking? I can't wait to hear your comments!
  5. ETS 2's long-awaited 1.51 update has finally met us and has added a whole new atmosphere to the game. I recently had the chance to try it out and I must say that the stylish design and ease of use that comes with this version seem to increase interest in the game even more. With the 1.51 update, the design changes made to the menus are not only visually pleasing, but also make the game much more user-friendly. It's a great detail to have everything at your fingertips, especially when you're on long journeys. The fluidity of the controls and the improvements in in-game transitions are also remarkable. With this version, you feel that the gameplay has become smoother. Especially if you're on long journeys like me, you'll enjoy these small but important improvements even better. Those who have tried 1.51, what were your favorite features? Also, are there any points that you still find lacking or expect more improvements? I'm looking forward to your comments!
  6. Hello Rossoo770s. , Increasing the Tags in the game from 19 words to 24 words is a good idea, but considering features such as covering the players' screen and changing color of the Tags in densely populated cities, it seems very likely that there will be a problem. For this reason, it is very unlikely that there will be such an update.
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