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ALLB Cosmic Kishiro

Report Moderator
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by ALLB Cosmic Kishiro

  1. Congrats on joining! Will be awesome to work with you.

  2. hey @DAGH! You are only probably seeing undercover Game Moderators. As the blue lights accessories are limited to Game Moderators use only,
  3. Congratulations manito! You deserve it a lot ❤️

  4. Take care buddy, it was nice working with you 💔

  5. parabéns por finalmente decidir virar GM haha!

  6. Congratulations on concluding your recruitment! It will be a pleasure to be working with you ❤️ 

    1. ALLB GbmbRnmf

      ALLB GbmbRnmf

      Ahhhhhhh bigadu mor 😻😻😻😻 :3

  7. Congratulations on finishing your training @Xiolin! It will be a complete pleasure to be working with you ^w^

  8. Congratulation for joining the red team my fellow furry friend! ❤️


  10. I spy dog. I follow dog 😁

  11. Congratulations for your promotion! 😄

  12. Caramba! Que tutorial incrível! Parabéns pelo empenho, ficou realmente fantástico!
  13. Thankies for all the 30 followers guy!



  14. Congratulations! And good lucky with your training!

    1. PinkNub_


      Thanks reportmeen ❤️

  15. I am not proud to be posting this here haha.

    "Roda quadrada" award is the award for the worst driver of the month on my VTC xD


    1. PinkNub_


      Congrats, looks cool<3


  16. It is looking awesome! Good job!
  17. oh no! Take care buddy :C

  18. Parabéns pela promoção!

  19. Olá COYOTE_SAD, Obrigado por utilizar os canais oficiais do TruckersMP para procurar uma solução para seu problema. Aparentemente, você ainda está utilizando uma versão antiga, para resolver este problema, você precisará seguir as seguintes etapas: Clique com o botão direito no "Euro Truck Simulator 2" e selecione "Propriedades" Selecione a categoria "Betas" e em "Participação na versão beta" selecione a opção "Nenhuma" Feito isso, seu problema estará resolvido :), caso isto não resolva, ficaremos feliz em ajuda-lo a solucionar seu problema! Não hesite em nos trazer o resultado.
  20. Hello there :3, so, i gave a quick look at the game logs you provided, and noticed that you aren't using a dedicated graphics card, and your OS version is quite old (Windows 10 21h1, build 19045). Have you already tried updating your system and graphics card (iGPU) drivers? The problem appears to be a conflict with drivers and DLLs, updating your system and drivers might help you solve this problem
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