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Veteran Driver VII
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About Canucks

  • Birthday 04/02/1998

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Hamilton, Canada
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    The Netherlands: Rotterdam

TruckersMP Information

  • VTC Name
    Coopers Freight

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  1. Anyone know why my TruckersMP won't properly update? I keep trying to update but it keeps stopping in the middle and it just doesn't finish updating. I've restarted my laptop...I've shut it down...Nothing. I also uninstalled TruckersMP and downloaded it again but still nothing. Sometimes I even get the Connection Retry error as well. :{

  2. We need a large even just to get people back on the ATS servers! I just want to drive on those fun American roads with a lot of trucks around me! Good times...

    1. mattfleaydaly


      The 9-11 convoy that @.::Cheetah::. organized was a good example of the success from this...

  3. Isn't insane that it can actually take you 42 minutes in real life time to get from Calais to Duisburg? Just brutal and the jams are so pointless. People overtaking and not understanding the highway exit right of way is leading to so much chaos! 


    I feel the signs should've been switched up so that the highway exit ramps would have to yield to the road but no....Just utter chaos!

    1. _ThEAssasiN_


      you should havent go to there :)

    2. The Imaginative Lad

      The Imaginative Lad

      It would take about 10-15 minutes if you take a different route consisting of mostly highways...


      You are not restricted to what your GPS wants you to do.

  4. I was just minding my own business in traffic and BOOM. It was like a tornado took us all out! 


  5. I dislike the new update system because every time I update, it takes a really long time. Sometimes it reaches a specific MB download and then just stops moving and i have to close the application and start over and it takes forever :(

    1. Guest


      That's odd. It takes me less then 20 seconds. :/ 

    2. Canucks


      Sometimes it takes me a few seconds but now it isn't even working. I uninstalled TruckersMp and still loads and freezes loading in the middle :$

  6. 3500 players at capacity will be so fun xD

    1. Mirko9
    2. _ThEAssasiN_


      its not will be so fun. it will be more hard.

  7. When I click "Install Avaiable Updates" It takes a really long time to download. It freezes at a number and stops moving.
  8. There are just as many insane truckers. The reason you may see yourself getting more annoyed with cars going crazy is that they are so tiny and fast so the people using the Scouts feel pressured to floor it to their destination, risking everyone else's damage in their way. I like the cars because it does make it more realistic and not everyone uses it so the odd car every once in a while doesn't hurt me. If you can't stand them at all, use EU-1.
  9. What tends to be the busiest city in ATS on the US servers? I know the game isn't that populated anymore and the ATS map never works so I can't really see where all the trucks are hangin'. I just want that Oxnard traffic back :P

    1. Chris.D


      Arizona is your best bet for finding other truckers, I usually deliver to Flagstaff and Phoenix, and it's sometimes busy when I'm there.

  10. Feeling very moody today. When you see me trucking, don't bother me. Jks,... but I've noticed that I've started brake checking trolls and driving more aggressively even though on my part, that's wrong as well. I guess I'm just adapting to the ETS2MP lifestyle when driving.

    1. Aestrial


      I always keep a pillow on my desk when driving. When I get trolled, a few punches of the pillow sorts me right out :P

    2. Penguin


      Hope you feel better soon :)


      If people are annoying you, the best thing to do is just Record, Report and Relax :)

      I know it sounds obvious, but don't brake check them as it could lead to you getting banned yourself. It also looks better on you if you can remain calm without aggravation :)


      Happy trucking ^_^

  11. Anyone else miss the busy ATS servers? I wanna play ATSMP but the servers are never busy. An event or a major convoy might turn people back onto it...<_<

    1. videogamer


      The main reason people don't play on the ATS servers is because of the map size.

    2. Jacrispyxd


      are they ever going to increase the map? because one day i want to drive down my one neighborhood!!


    3. videogamer


      Eventually but who knows how long it's gonna take.

  12. Updates taking FOREVER to install. I wanna play :(

  13. Why why why do I have so many tests this week? Why?!


    1. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer

      Hey @Canucks how are you? :D


      B) Haha   Good Luck Mate with your Tests

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
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