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Veteran Driver IV
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About andreyleurossa

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  1. Hello, When I try to log in to Truckers MP, I get the error on the image. So far I have tried solutions that I have read on Truckers MP forums including reinstalling Truckers MP, reinstalling Truckers MP with VPN, running Truckers MP as administrator, setting compatibility mode to Windows 8, turning off Windows Firewall, updating drivers, , Microsoft NET and Microsoft C++, clearing DNS cache; unfortunately none of these worked. I have created a support ticket but Truckers MP support team seem to be uninterested in my annoying problem, so I've decided to benefit from valuable experiences of you players. Regards, Andrey Leurossa
  2. But i can't park the truck if i don't leave MP and go in SP.
  3. When i take a job it says you're late at start. After i deliver cargo,there are no jobs in menu. I tried that gforce_economy_reset thing but i don't earn money because it says you're late everytime. And ressetting economy from files is very trying. (Sorry for bad english )
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