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Millennium Falcon

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  1. Sorry for missing that, that's great to hear though!!! Thank you.
  2. Glad you think so, it would be so helpful, probably most paid attention to data in ATS is usually DISTANCE / WEIGHT ...
  3. Hi guys, Not sure how challenging it would be to implement this but it would be very helpful if during TMP Self Dispatch, you could not only see Distance but also Weight of the Cargo you selected, so you'd know how much that cargo weighs before you actually accept the cargo. Sometimes I want to do a load but I don't have much time to do it, so I try to pick up light cargo in order to maintain good pace throughout the trip, unfortunately currently I don't know what weight my selected cargo is until I click Generate JOB. At that point if you're not happy with the weight, you have to CANCEL the job. Is this something that could be addressed in future updates? Thank you. I am attaching a Screenshot with potential placement of the cargo weight data on Dispatch...
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