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About Omer_A

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  1. NVM I just needed to update the whole truckersmp-cli in a very weird way Anyways Thank you very much people!
  2. hi again, Still not working I am already on the none option for the beta participation. And the WIn-key+R with regedit will not work because i am on linux. I appreciate that you all of you tried to help so fast
  3. Hello I am using the truckersmp-cli client because i use linux. I have tried to start the game but It told me that i have unsupported game version. I went to the unsupported game version guide and did everything that i can try but it did not work for me. When i open the game with out multi player this is the version: but when i open it straight from steam, the version is right: I have tried to update the game via the truckersmp-cli but i get a steam error: The output: Up until this point it had worked for me but not anymore. if anyone knows this problem or know how to fix it please comment, Thank you for reading this. Edit: When i try to run it i have another window that opens with an error:
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