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Status Updates posted by .FrøstLeaf.

  1. thanks for your follow :HaulieLove:

    1. Juliia


      You're welcome :HaulieLove:

  2. thanks for your follow ❤️


  3. thanks for the follow ❤️

    1. Ata35


      thanks to u too :HaulieLove:

  4. here's a Pic from the Escort for my GF who is new on TruckersMP 😄 :HaulieLove: w/ @Esdeath69 spacer.png

  5. Thanks for your Follow ❤️


  6. thanks for the follow 😄


  7. thanks for your follow ❤️


    1. TimeTimes


      Stop bribing people:kappa:

  8. Thanks to everyone who Joined this Pic 😄❤️


    @Aventador7777 @Panda @Dispo Z @Lamb Sauce III @XBGxmer & @Esdeath69 not to forget @Expectancy who joined on another pic. 

    love y'all :3

  9. Thanks For your Follow ❤️


    1. TimeTimes


      Hope you didn't pay too much:kappa:

    2. .FrøstLeaf.


      @TimeTimes I'm a girl, I pay nothing :kekw: 


    3. PinkNub_


      @.FrøstLeaf. You're welcome! 


      @TimeTimes Yeah, but sheesh :LUL:

  10. thanks for your follow 😄



  11. on tour with Friends | Prime Logistics | @Esdeath69


  12. thanks for your Follow :HaulieLove:

  13. Thanks for your Follow ❤️


  14. Thanks for your follow ❤️



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