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Veteran Driver VII
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About xOceanSpirit

  • Birthday June 12

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Newcastle, United Kingdom
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Lyon

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  1. happy birthday  🥳❤️

  2. Why do you want to be just like me? o_O

  3. /fix is good....however I will admit, now people know they can repair their trucks for free instantly, I have seen more people care less about which lane they should be in...ooops sorry didn't see your truck there, I was too busy doing 200 in a 50 I played a 1 hour session 2 days ago, and of all 300 players I came across...I got hit about 10 times, someone blocked 5 lanes....3 trucks were on their side and about 70 were doing 200 in a 50. I quit after that
  4. Happy birthday.

    1. xOceanSpirit


      Wow, thanks bro, I wasn't expecting anyone on here to know it was my birthday :D

  5. Just screamed at my neighbour for his kids banging on the wall, I asked him nicely to tell them to stop but they didnt, so I put up with it, but tonight they were banging constantly and it annoyed me to high hell, so I shot out the door, thumped on his door and screamed "Stop the f***ing banging or I'm calling the police". He finally answered, said he's deeply sorry and he'll tell them to stop.


    You cannot be soft in life, I was bullied throughout school because I was not sticking up for myself, now I take no s***. You pack it in or I will make sure you do.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. [ST-LH] Calbert

      [ST-LH] Calbert

      He'd be quite within his rights to inform the police to deal with nuisance neighbours.

    3. DerAmpelmann


      @stilldre1976 Since you live in UK here is some information you can educate yourself with https://goo.gl/IjuQOh

    4. xOceanSpirit


      • is breaching the peace (being disorderly in the street or making a lot of noise)

      Thank You

  6. ^ -You should Have about 50 useful posts I only know English, I'm taking it I can't apply?
  7. YEAH! who's on 32-bit anyway? 64 ftw
  8. ^Bet you use highbeams on a motorway aswell, which is illegal in the UK
  9. Thing you have to consider is the highway code is different for every country. How would you accommodate each code? Also, the code for the UK is about 50 pages, are you going to force them to read all of it? What happens if they break it? I'm not against your suggestion, i think its really good. I'm just putting myself in the mind of a developer and asking the questions they might not think of
  10. Had the same issue. ^ Solved it, thanks
  11. I had this problem. On my logitech profiler in the device settings > Advanced settings. I use 799 degrees rotation and tick the box above saying "Combined Axis". Plus I wouldn't trust anything on windows 10.
  12. I was trying to say something negative about the freeroam server and speed limited, but everytime I wrote it and re-read it, it sounded wrong. Glad to know ETS2MP is getting better by the day
  13. Really good video i found showing detailed how to add custom radio stations. If by you mean, you've added it, but it isnt playing. Check you have the correct code, and also what the guy above me said, it needs to be able to open in media player before the game can open it
  14. I much prefered no speed limit. If you want speed limit, there is always the option in the settings to enable it for you. But why force people who want to drive faster on an empty server? Its not that we want to race, its that 55mph is boring! I can travel at 100 and still control my truck, overtake perfectly and stop at lights. Plus With speed limit on, the server rarely went over 2K player. With NSL, it was nearing 3K!
  15. I searched and i didnt find anything like this Not what you are thinking where you can talk to each other... Suggestion Name: Hear Ingame Radios Suggestion Description: You can hear other people's radio, like hearing other peoples truck engines but rather their radio or music. "NO WAY, THIS WILL NEVER WORK"! shut up and think about this. It will be super quiet and you can only hear it if you are in view "2" and your engine is off and they are beside you, (within 10-20 meters) You can hear their radio or song (if possible) based on how loud they are playing it (again, if possible). This can be turned off in the settings (Once again, if possible) Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: Well, being able to hear each others engines was a massive improvement, and I think to get more realistic, you should be able to hear each others music player. "But we wouldnt be able to understand their language" Doesn't matter, you'll barely be able to hear their voice anyway What if they're playing something I don't like? Go into view 1, you won't be able to hear it anymore, or drive away This will never work, I hate it, -1 from me Have you even thought about it? It is possible and it can work, it will take some time though Why will this benefit us? Well, I think it would be more interesting to hear something different than a constant engine for 700 miles and when a truck passes you, you hear more burrrr Well listen to some music then and it won't be boring? True, true, but not all of us listen to music all the time, it would be nice to hear something different What if I blast it? Will it deafen them? It would be capped off at a certain volume so we wouldn't hear it any louder than that
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