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DOVLA ◄ godfree ►

Veteran Driver IV
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About DOVLA ◄ godfree ►

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  1. So the new speed limit is 120km/h ? Not for me... it's even lower, it doesn't go above 88km/h . Any reasons why?
  2. If i create a new profile, will i delete the old one?
  3. Hello, I have full ADR, 5 of long distance and 2 of high valuable materials, and still the highest job is 9.000 and 250km. I am 12 level, and still no higher reward jobs. Does anyone know what is it all about?
  4. Mod Version: 0.1.2 R2. Controllers Used: Keyboard/Mouse Description of Issue: When i took the job i found trailer stuck in the ground. I can't attach it to the truck and now i must pay 12.000e to cancel the job. How to reproduce: None. Screenshots / Videos: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/54373748246084139/3F71A435AC975AA20D79F75EC2F1049EE3985E61/
  5. Why don't you insert the rest of Europe?
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