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About Mayban36

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  1. Yes, i already set both buttons. The thing is it doesnt matter how much i use the buttons, the max gear i can use is 12 because the 6th position of my shifter doesnt work for some reason(It stays in neutral when im in that positions). And is not a problem of my shifter because with the Skode i can get the 6th gear in the 6th shifter position. So i dont know.
  2. Oh well, now it works how i wanted. But i dont get the 6th gear to work? I have 14 gears but i can only go to the 5th that is 12 :/
  3. I dont know where to create this topic. Last time i played ets2 i just put the options of the shifter in "Range mode" and i got with just 6 positions, all 14 gears(I think it was(Going from 1 to 6 position) 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 14 or something like that). But now if i put it like in range mode that i get "C1, C2, 1, 2, 3, 4" ??????). What am i doing wrong?
  4. Im using cable, not wifi. Adding that port wont solve it, i already tried it with firewall off. I dont know what else to do, there is something in regedit about TuckersMP?
  5. Yes, i already tried all of that. Nothing seems to work
  6. Those topics doesnt have the same problem than me. Im going to repeat: It says "Connecting to X server..." and never connects, it doesnt give an error, it just does nothing and stays like that forever. I tried running it with the firewall off, nothing. So thats not the problem Also with the antivirus off, still nothing. Theres something i need to remove apart from programdata to do a FULL reinstallation of TruckersMP? Maybe something in regedit?
  7. Already did all of that and nothing seems to work, heres the pic: Just stays like that forever.
  8. Well, back in January had this exact problem. It doesnt let me connect any server. it just says "Connecting to X server..." and nothing else happens, not an error, not timed out. Just it does NOTHING. Back in January i had to reinstall windows to make it work, i made absolutely NOTHING to make this happen, do i really have to format windows to solve this problem? I already tried lot of things and it doesnt let me in again.
  9. Sí, gracias.
  10. Pues al final se solucionó formateando, vaya asco.
  11. Fixed the problem after formatting, cant believe that its the only way to solve it.
  12. Sí, ya me he pasado y he usado ese problema y sigo como en la imagen que pasé. Por eso no sé que hacer.
  13. Me marca ~60-100ms, así que tengo conexión sin fallo con el servidor. Mi internet no es ya que he intentado conectarme desde mi portátil al ets2mp y me conecta al momento. Solo no me es posible desde este. Y vuelvo a recalcar que si me funciona el ATSMP El firewall no es ni el antivirus ya que probé conectandome con todo desactivado. Simplemente me conecto y se me queda así, no me dice otra línea ni aunque esté intentando conectarse 1 hora.
  14. >I used a brand new profile to test and still happening, so nothing to do with "police accesories". Se me olvidó comentar que ya probé conectandome con el firewall apagado, antivirus apagado y en modo admin el launcher y nada. Vuelvo a mencionar que el American Truck me va perfectamente con Firewall y antivirus activado, sin entrar en modo admin. No entiendo nada. Conecta sin problemas a la cuenta de World of Trucks.
  15. A ver si alguien tiene aquí le pasó y dió con la solución. El juego arranca, me logeo y cuando empiezo a conducir dice "Connecting to Europe 2 server..."(Europe 2 o cualquier otro, probe con todos) y no dice nada más. No conecta, no da error, no dice timed out, NADA. El servidor no está lleno, probé hasta con los de abajo que no los juega casi nadie. Tengo un ping de 60ms, así que no es mi internet. Probé a reinstalar el juego y el TruckersMP(Borrando todo de mis documentos y programdata) y nada. Reiniciando Router/PC y nada. Probé a limpiar los archivos temporales, a hacer la limpieza esta de las DNS y nada. American Truck Simulator me conecta sin problemas, pero al Euro Truck se queda pillado en "Connecting to X server..." ¿Alguna idea?
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