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Veteran Driver IV
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About -=BBB=-Darkangel

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  1. Thanks Sentinel, you have been really helpful shame the tutorials dont specify this info
  2. What formats are supported in the reporting system as when i try to drag and drop the evidence in the the evidence box it refuses the file ? I have jpeg photos but i cant get them uploaded nor the log files located in my ets2mp folder ?
  3. Hi, im trying to report a user for ramming and using abusive language towards myself, i have one issue and that is i have a screen shot of the conversation but i cant add it to the report ? can anyone help me with this please ? Thanks in advance
  4. If you start single player, you will find the version to be, i have not been able to play for nearly 2 months now running 64bit win7 reinstalled from fresh, ran as admin, checked intergrity, downgraded to every version and to opt out of beta, sorry to say your in the same boat as a lot of us are
  5. Yeah this issue sucks, 2 months without being able to drive with mates
  6. Already done, still not working I have opted out of all betas
  7. Yes and the latest mp is for where as my game is as you see in the pictures
  8. Im having issues playing ETS2MP my version is and when i run ets2mp i get the downgrade error which states i should be running, ive tried every beta on my list and not one will run MP. I have read forum after forum and everyone says i have to opt of of betas which i have but still havent been able to play this game for nearly 2 months now, any help appreciated, oh and i have ran mp as administrator
  9. Know how you feel Fafleka, over a month now and still cant play game, tried all the different betas and it still wont play. Running and it says i need to run and every beta i install isnt the one its asking for
  10. reinstalled both games reinstalled the latest ets2 mp update and opted out of all updates so latest version installed, ran as admin but still no luck. Only stopped working after latest update
  11. I have the same issue, sucks i cant play mp and i lost out on the flags for the trucks
  12. unfortunately i have done all of it getting error every time. Also the same for american truck sim got the right versions, can play in single player but multiplayer keeps saying wrong version
  13. Im having issues, got latest installed and latest mp installed but keep getting i have to downgrade, driving me crazy. Tried running mp as admin but still no luck
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