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Ozzy Kemp [NL]

Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Ozzy Kemp [NL]

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Noord-Holland Netherlands
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    New Mexico: Roswell
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Mannheim

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  1. spacer.png

    "I try to stay awake and remember my name
    But everybody's changing
    And I don't feel the same" ~ Keane - Everybody's Changing (2003)

    Decided to go through a little rebranding, New year, new me.

    But the most important thing is, that I'm finally back. Not as Compot this time, but as Ozzy.


    Missed y'all

  2. Take care everybody ❤️

    I'll maybe be back soon. but it's going to take a while.

  3. y'all got some.. beans?

  4. ?????? ??? ??? ?????? spacer.pngspacer.png

    1. Ozzy Kemp [NL]

      Ozzy Kemp [NL]

      very big fan clash <333 

  5. me still very big fan raeker ❤️

    1. Raeker


      thanks man, lu2 ❤️


    1. Winter~


      Compottttt big fan buddy ❤️ . Thank you so much ❄️

  7. "Here we go
    On this roller coaster life we know
    With those crazy highs and real deep lows
    I really don't know why
    And I will go
    To the farthest place on earth I know
    I can travel all the road, you see
    'Cause I know you're there with me" - Danny Vera - Roller Coaster (2019)


  8. spacer.png

    "We used to have it all, but now's our curtain call
     So hold for the applause, oh
     And wave out to the crowd, and take our final bow
     Oh, it's our time to go, but at least we stole the show" ~
    Kygo - Stole The Show (2016

    Thank you so much for the people at Pries Logistics, I miss you guys so much right now that it is unbearable these first 4 hours away from Pries. But I feel like it's temporarily time for me to do something else.

    This is not a final goodbye, not yet. :)

    1. GM1998


      I'll miss you too, Compot!
      Hope to see you again ?

    2. .Pedro.
  9. spacer.png


    9 months ago, I was peer pressured into reinstalling ETS2 and TruckersMP to play with my friends. We played/messed around for a bit and my friends slowly lost intrest in the game, but I didn't.

    A few days after on the 4th of December, the day before I turned 17, I decided to make a bold move and apply for a VTC. Pries Logistics was the name, I was a bit afraid as I've had negative experiences with being in a VTC before. I sent in the application, hoping that I would be accepted but I was prepared to apply for multiple VTCs did the need ever arise.


    2 days later, after I had turned 17 the day before. I got a friend request from @BL4CK$K1LL and a DM stating that I'd been accepted and that I would need to apply the Pries tag and changes in my game. I was excited! Maybe being in a VTC wouldn't be so bad after all!

    I eagerly joined my first convoy with Pries, Food For Poor 2019 in December 2019. It all went great until the last part near Newcastle where I ended up getting stuck and had to prematurely quit the convoy. (Somethings never change do they now? :P)

    Now looking back in September 2020, (well almost) I'm glad I made this decision. Especially to all the friends I made along the way.

    Here is a special thanks to everyone who make TMP as enjoyable as it is for me now.



    @Vantage [GBR]
    @Da Seppl
    @Agia Varvara
    @[PRIES] Soni

    @DarkMoon [RU/EN]

    Thank you all ❤️

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Wingerion


      We love you Compot! :love: pngwave.png


    3. S o n i

      S o n i

      Compot bad driver but I´m a HUGE fan ? glad to have you arround ?

    4. .Pedro.
  10. time to go for my second public convoy in a row, this time. cant wait :D

  11. Love my VTC family and friends as they're supporting me through my rough times



  12. spacer.png

    Entering into the Land of Enchantment

  13. TMP6 ATS Convoy completed! :D


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