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Veteran Driver
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Waveeyy

  • Birthday 09/16/2001

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Gaming, Streaming, Video Production, Coding and 3D Design
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Düsseldorf
  • Known languages
    Arabic, English, Spanish

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2544 profile views

Waveeyy's Achievements


Rookie (2/13)

  • Dedicated
  • Getting Noticed
  • One Year On
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Community Answers

  1. XMAS Special - Greece - Mitilini Travelled with @ozoXR
  2. BRABUS BIG BOY 1200 BUILT FOR THE JOURNEY - DESIGNED FOR LIVING the BRABUS BIG BOY 1200 impresses with its king-size dimensions and elegant all-black exterior Vehicle with Trailer
  3. I hit a few spiders on the way. Edit: No Spiders were harmed by myself... Edit2: Dont call the police pls
  4. TruckersMP Halloween Event

    #Halloween #Spookoween #WaveyIsTheBest #Wavey'sGallery



    1. L-DR@GO


      Nice photo 👍 

    2. .SanalAdam
  5. TruckersMP Realistic 4K Graphics and New Physics for 1.51.
    Short video uploaded to my YouTube ---> https://www.youtube.com/@WaveyLord

    Share your thoughts below or in the video - Thank you



  6. 2AM Settings Taken in Duisburg with the Early Autumn Mod
  7. Brave browser is best and you cannot change my mind
  8. LAMBO x VOLVO SEASON Images taken in Photomode, Edited in Photoshop Thanks for coming @club @Yetty (FIN) @Kappuh and Exostate Feel Free to use these as wallpapers all sizes are 1920x1080 ]
  9. I know I've been away but we are back! Meet the Driving Academy Scania
  10. **COMING SOON**
    I am starting my very own series of IOTR 
    Driving along side myself is @club, we will be together at most times and sometimes alone. Keep your eyes peeled as you may be featured yourself in these clips / moments on the roads :HaulieExcited: 

    See you around.


    1. club


      see you all around.. 


      Be aware we are slow 😀

  11. Pean Logistics P.S You WILL definitely find me on C-D Road.
  12. Thank you I appreciate it
  13. Renault E-Tech T Sleeper
  14. Rate Your Scania The object is to rate these scanias on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being worst and 10 the best. What are your thoughts? Share below!
  15. Hi Mousa, It's a very nice guide. - I hope you dont mind if I share my input to this error for future reference too. Windows Security Open Windows Security > Virus & threat protection > Scroll down to "Manage Settings" > Exclusions and add TruckerMP Launcher to your exclusions as a file. Scroll to "Controlled folder access" and disable this option. TruckersMP Launcher Open up TruckersMP Launcher / Reinstall it from the TMP Website. Set your game paths in the settings of TruckersMP. Press "Play" if the button is red. If the button shows gray there is an issue with either your game paths or ETS2/ATS installation. Steam Right click on either game of ETS2 or ATS. Click on "Properties", and navigate to "Installed Files" and click where "Verify this game's files are installed correctly" button is shown on the right side. Wait for verification. When completed, if no errors are shown you can launch either game from the TruckersMP Launcher. I hope this also helps - Wavey
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