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  1. In the truckersmp launcher settings you can try using the following command -rdevice gl and saving it. This runs the game in OpenGL (this issue happens with DirectX). You may encounter lower fps though. I have the exact same thing and have chosen to just change my scaling slightly upon reconnecting. While it is annoying, i don't like how OpenGL significantly drops my frames.
  2. Use F11. It disables the GUI and chat. Although be careful not to accidentally open chat when it's disabled. The chat still opens and prevents you from pressing keys you may use while driving.
  3. Try changing the settings up and down, eventually it should work. If you can use console, try changing the game scaling by using the console too. r_scale_x and r_scale_y Unfortunately you might have to do this every time you connect to TMP. I am also a victim of this x(
  4. This only happens when connected in TMP, so don't worry, there's nothing wrong with your PC. This can be fixed by changing the scaling and mirror quality/resolution settings in your graphics settings. You'll have to change them around (higher or lower quality) and see if the map loads properly again. I can't say which settings you have to use because it seems to differ for everyone. Unfortunately you might have to do this every time you reconnect to TMP. Another solution is to run the game in OpenGL, though it could cause unstable performance.
  5. Change your scaling in graphics settings, this should fix it. For me the value that caused this exact same bug was 150% scaling. Edit: Mirrors are still bugged, but this can also be fixed by changing your mirror resolution in graphics settings. Only works with low settings for me, so if that is the case for you, try these console commands. r_mirror_scale_y 0.9 or 1.1 (don't put it at 1) r_mirror_scale_x 1 This should keep your mirrors at decent quality and usable
  6. Change your scaling in graphics settings, this should fix it. For me the value that caused this exact same bug was 150% scaling. Edit: Mirrors are still bugged, but this can also be fixed by changing your mirror resolution in graphics settings. Only works with low settings for me, so if that is the case for you, try these console commands. r_mirror_scale_y 0.9 or 1.1 (don't put it at 1) r_mirror_scale_x 1 This should keep your mirrors at decent quality and usable
  7. I did some digging and for me it only happens when scaling is at 150%. If i use any other scaling settings the game goes right back to normal. Try changing your scaling in the graphics settings, it should fix it. Edit: Mirrors are still bugged, but this can also be fixed by changing your mirror resolution in graphics settings. Only works with low settings for me, so if that is the case for you, try these console commands. r_mirror_scale_y 0.9 or 1.1 (don't put it at 1) r_mirror_scale_x 1 This should keep your mirrors at decent quality and usable
  8. Were the service teleport crashes caused by just TPRs or also TPRKs?
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