Community Answers
[WT] AlexXX's post in Sind Hybrid trucks im Multiplayer erlaubt? was marked as the answer
Guten Morgen SAVEnett,
ja diese Trucks sind erlaubt, durch das letzt Regel Update hat save editing sowieso mehr Freiraum bekommen.
Über das Aussehen dieser Hybrid Trucks kann man sich natürlich drüber streiten. ?
[WT] AlexXX's post in ATS US Server was marked as the answer
It looks like that here are issues with the ATS US Server. I don´t know how long the server will be offline, but it´s being worked on.
[WT] AlexXX's post in Ets2 map bug? was marked as the answer
Hello @BlackriderUK,
actually you are not the only one experiencing this issue.
As far as I know the site isn´t currently updating the usernames.
[WT] AlexXX's post in avatar in game was marked as the answer
Hello @andy Suter,
did the above answers helped you with your question.
If yes, please give me a short feedback that I can close this.