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Veteran Driver
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Everything posted by G4M3R__TMP

  1. Hey got a new video out i got to meet Tony747



  2. Got a New Video out enjoy 


  3. Hey Happy new year From Everyone at FLCL here is a new video out enjoy 


    1. 'Kyann.


      Nice video :HaulieLove:

    2. Almeida.


      Nice video 

  4. Merry Christmas to you all  here is a video Enjoy 


  5. new video out in the next few weeks 

  6. heya guys an early video is out enjoy 


  7. Hey Guys new video will be out on Christmas eve

  8. Hey i have got a New funny moments video out enjoy 


  9. Hey Guys here is a new Video out 🙂 enjoy 




    1. L-DR@GO


      🤣🤣🤣🤣the last part 

    2. Guest


      Poor NightRider. Gets rammed more then a normal player 🙂

  10. New video out guys enjoy 


  11. new video out enjoy 


  12. Have a wonderful day new video out Monday 

  13. Hey guys new video out next week 🙂

    1. Jorje Spartino

      Jorje Spartino

      Excited about it! Keep up the great work 😄

  14. New Video out enjoy 🙂 




    1. Jorje Spartino

      Jorje Spartino

      Hahahaha, these don't ever get boring! XD

  15. Hey i have got a new video out enjoy 


  16. Here is a police chase on TMP enjoy 


    1. L-DR@GO


      Bro too long 

      Empty server 

  17. hey guys new Funny moments video is out 


  18. Evening everyone i will be on TSR tonight 7-8 https://truckstopradio.co.uk/ tune in and get your songs on 

  19. Evening all hows it going 

  20. new funny moments video out 



  21. A Little bit about us,

    GBF Logistics was founded on January 24th 2024, with the goal of creating a professional, friendly and relaxed virtual trucking company that puts the satisfaction of our members and drivers first.


    We are a welcoming and supportive community that has a positive outlook which means our helpful friendly staff team are here to help our members complete their career in the VTC world and are available to answer and assist with any questions or inquiries any member or potential new members may have. One of our values is open communication with members or potential members so we are always happy to hear from you in how we can improve or expand.


    Unlike other VTCs we strive in maintaining a relaxed atmosphere and aim to create a stress free environment for our drivers and members in order to provide a fun and welcoming environment meaning our members feel apart of a well run team. Whether you are interested in joining our VTC or just have a general question, don't hesitate to join our Discord and ask away, we aim to reply as soon as we are able to.


    As a VTC we understand the importance of maintaining a balance between an active VTC membership and personal life.


    As a VTC we value diversity and inclusion meaning that everyone has equal opportunities and support to thrive and contribute.

    This also means that there is a safe and supportive place for our members to share their ideas, opinions and feedback.


    We are currently using TruckersHub where our member and drivers can track their jobs and progress .There is many opportunities to get involved like our monthly convoys that are happening, we also do daily drives which are open to everyone in our discord. https://discord.gg/eH4JfM8jYV


    We are going to start doing give away to our members which take part in our monthly convoys.


    We hope you enjoy your stay here


    Thank you



    Untitled_3 (2).webp

  22. hey all my VTC is looking for staff and drivers to join us 


    > Always active

    >Job Tracker


    >daily drives 

    >meet ups


    want to know more feel free to join our discord https://discord.gg/eH4JfM8jYV

    Thank you 

  23. Hey im looking for Staff and drivers to join my VTC join our discord to find out more https://discord.gg/eH4JfM8jYV

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