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C@ptain02 GR

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About C@ptain02 GR

  • Birthday 09/01/2002

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  • American Garage Location
    Not set
  • EU Garage Location
    Hungary: Budapest
  • Known languages
    Greek English Turkish

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  1. OWW the best event its here again
  2. This is awesom
  3. GREECE💙🤍



    1. Guest


      Nice photo :HaulieLove:

  4. Game modarators don't take greek peoples for game moderating i have done twice the application and they say i am refused of that my applicant was lacking in detail i am not gona write an essay in each answer sorry game moderators you must see it TMP 


    1. KjayCopper


      You have to take into account that Moderation team need to be fair and look at the facts. If your report lacks facts or definite proof of the person breaking the rules then they have to refuse it.
      Always record your game either through OBS or other software like Nvidia GeForce Experience. having the video evidence will assist the moderators in the decision process as well as utilising the /pinfo command in game

  5. Rainy fuel support with FH12 420 🫡


    1. [GökBörü] "ESER 58"

      [GökBörü] "ESER 58"

      Benizinin kalitelisi shellde, meyvenin kalitelisi.. 🤠

    2. 'MaRtY
    3. PinkNub_


      Nice photo! :3


  6. C@ptain02 GR


    I absolutly agree with you you sad what i want to explain
  7. Nice event that will give us very funny time to play and i see from now the bans that are gonna be made
  8. C@ptain02 GR


    A higher speed limit was what the community asked for and if you want to go slow you can but not be in the possition to annoy the other players and i dont understand why you want it.
  9. Awesome Event Big Fruits
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