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Veteran Driver
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Everything posted by Keiko_Yamato

  1. @Esdeath69 Player ➜ Add-On Team
  2. @Esdeath69 Add-On Team ➜ Player (Left)
  3. @7Yok^ Player ➜ Add-On Team
  4. @7Yok^ Add-On Team ➜ Player (Suspended)
  5. @Doñ Cheeki Event Team + Add-On Team ➜ Event Team (Left)
  6. I'm listening TruckersFM
  7. Yes, 0 ban since 2015.
  8. I discovered TruckersMP 9 years ago in 2015, still called "ETS2MP", from a few german youtube videos.
  9. Hello @Marco-WhiteWolf, This week, only TMP10 deliveries away from the stage at Haulie Harbor are counted for the achievement and it must be one of the following cargoes: - TMP10 Giant Speakers - TMP10 Stage Equipment Best regards, Keiko Yamato Add-On Team
  10. Hello @TekNeil, The delivery event has been paused during the TMP10 festivities from April 26. until April 28. - Therefore you are unable to find the desired cargoes for the moment. From tomorrow (Monday 29.) the cargoes will be visible again into the quick jobs, freight market and also cargo market and are called as follows: - TMP10 Giant Speakers - TMP10 Stage Equipment Since the festival is now "over", the job of the community is it to "dismantel" the stage. - That means that only deliveries away from Haulie Harbor are counting for the progress of the personal achievement and the community goal. You can travel to Haulie Harbor (which is located on the island "Milestone Bay") via the train station in TruckersMP HQ on any server with the standard map (e.g. Sim1, Sim2, ...). Best regards, Keiko Yamato, Add-On Team
  11. Hello @Pietro89, Here is a small information guide from our Discord support channel: "Progess on the website should be updated within a few seconds. Please keep an eye on your chat - if you get a message that your job has been canceled or that your job is invalid, it will not count towards your progress. This happens sometimes when loading saves or connecting to several servers. You should not experience any issues if you take and finish the job in the same session without any interruptions. If you keep getting errors when taking new jobs, try cancelling all jobs and restart your game (or type `game` into the console). This ensure a smooth session. Sorry for the inconvenience!" I hope that will help you in completing your goal. Best wishes, Keiko Yamato, Add-On Team
  12. Hello @Pietro89, You can see your personal progress on the right hand side of your profile on the TruckersMP website and the progress of the community goal on the main page of the website. Best wishes, Keiko Yamato, Add-On Team
  13. Hallo Rafal, Zu 1.: Du kannst auf Sim1 bis zu 110km/h fahren. Das ist das Server-Limit. Den Begrenzer kannst du deaktivieren, indem du im TAB-Menü unter "Settings/Game" das Häckchen bei "Enable Speed Limiter" entfernst und anschließend über "Apply" bestätigst. Zu 2.: Um das Achievement auf deinem TruckersMP Profil freizuschalten, musst du 10 spezielle Ladungen nach Haulie Harbor liefern. Folgende Ladungen werden angerechnet: - TMP10 Giant Speakers - TMP10 Stage Equipment Du kannst die Frachten über den Frachtmarkt oder über den Job Dispatcher annehmen. Nach dem Haupt-Event am kommenden Wochenende muss die Bühne wieder abgebaut werden. Ab dem Zeitpunkt werden dann nur noch Frachten gezählt, welche von Haulie Harbor weg gefahren werden. Du kannst also selbst frei entscheiden, ob du jetzt 10 Lieferungen nach Haulie Harbor bringst, oder nur 5 und anschließend nach dem kommenden Wochenende 5 wieder weg. Das ist dir freigestellt. Ich hoffe ich konnte dir deine Frage beantworten und wünsche dir noch viel Spaß bei unseren Festlichkeiten zum 10. Jubiläum von TruckersMP. Keiko_Yamato, Add-On Team
  14. Hello Douxdur, You can deliver cargoes outgoing from the main stage (Haulie Harbor) to somewhere else. - All you have to do is to drive on the company interaction point of Haulie Harbor and to look in the freight market. Normally there is always at least one delivery with the TMP10 paintjob.
  15. "...and be aware that player collisions will be disabled..."
  16. Take care buddy :HaulieLove:

  17. Congrats to the red team :HaulieLove:

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