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About GildedSplinter

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  • EU Garage Location
    The Netherlands: Amsterdam
  • Known languages
    English, Polish

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  1. And keep in mind, there has been a lot of controversy regarding ASUS customer support. You can watch "GamersNexus" on YouTube and they explain the problems with their RMA system. My point is, if you get into a situation where you may need to submit a claim, be prepared for a headache. If you buy it from a retail store and the offer a warranty through the store (such as BestBuy in the US) then I would do that to avoid the hassle. But either way, enjoy and have fun. Amazing device, I highly recommend!
  2. It runs amazing. Keep in mind that if you buy an older gen Ally that many of them have SD card issues where it basically fries the card. I have the new Ally X and I completely recommend it. Runs great.
  3. Don't know man, I think that by putting TMP behind a paywall, you would alienate a large player base. Sure, many of the toxic players wouldn't play, but also you would get rid of a portion of those that are friendly and non-toxic.
  4. It will be hard to create new habits, I think nothing can replace the popularity of the C-D roads. Otherwise anything non-DLC would be the next closest thing.
  5. Hey guys. I have the base game on steam and been loving it so far. I have not purchased any DLC's that include other areas of the map. As I have been playing on TruckersMP, I noticed that the content has been limited, it seems that there aren't many routes / deliveries to choose as most of it is around Germany, NL, and UK. I hardly ever have routes to France, and so on. I would like to expand even further. I also see people having nice big trailers with special cargo, while I am limited just to the basic stuff. What should I do? Buy DLC's? Are there some mods I can install for more options of cargo or routes? Is there some sort of a guide for needed mods to have the most fun? Thx.
  6. Hey all, I've been having a blast driving with 3 trailers. It seems however, that in many places it gets bugged and the trailer gets stuck/shoots up in the air. Is there any guide or recommendations on which cities to go to and which vendors to use? The ones with big parking lots, etc. so the trailer does not get stuck when it gets loaded up. Thanks!
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