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[MCG] Λ Mєσwsтαя MikaXD Λ

Veteran Driver II
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About [MCG] Λ Mєσwsтαя MikaXD Λ

  • Birthday January 19

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Hong Kong
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  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Dover
  • Known languages
    English, Chinese(Traditional)

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[MCG] Λ Mєσwsтαя MikaXD Λ's Achievements


Apprentice (3/13)

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  1. The Date/Time is convenient function and sadly it's removed, as it allows players to check current date and time without tabbing out and in or spare hands on any devices (especially when driving). Another issue I concerned is, may we have bold fonts in it? It's overwhelmingly thin right now, which is kinda non user-friendly. The report button should be moved back to the bottom as where it's located in the old one. At last, is there any technical issue that causes hover info removed?
  2. >Toyo Trailer >Nippon Fruehauf >Talson >VanHool >Fliegl >Ekeri Something related to trailer... I would be glad to see tail gate options with Zepro and Dholldania.
  3. It's somehow a pain, but in long term it would be good to the traffic flow. Another thing I more concern about is SCS gotta make sure the optimization, we don't want the 1 fps flash like in the West Balkans area (including Austria).
  4. From the info I've got for 1.50, SCS Duisburg is awesome. However, I'm quite disappointed with Düsseldorf as SCS seems gonna removing the service station (aka. F7).
  5. Belated happy birthday to Sir Foxtrot, my apologizes, all the best for ya! 🎂

    1. yang guang

      yang guang

      Belated happy birthday to Sir Foxtrot, my apologizes, all the best for ya!

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