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Veteran Driver II
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  1. My question is answered, you can close this topic
  2. Hi guys, my question is so simple does this lights are too bright for Truckersmp? Will I gett banned If I use them in TMP? If the answers are no, Im going to set the same brightness for my mid and top lights. https://youtu.be/WWNUYSWhYkw
  3. @RedNub and @-TurboStar- thank you both for your information
  4. Sorry for my bad english. I know that weight of the trailer has a lower value than zero, the server automatically kicks you or somehow makes you disconnect. I want to ask if I set it up to zero value, Does it give me an advantage in terms of acceleration? How will my truck's handling be affected? What would happen if I did the same thing to my truck?
  5. I want to make my truck's lights brighter. What is the rule about this in Truckersmp? How bright can I make them? Is there a limit? Will I get banned from the game if I make them too bright?
  6. Hello @Roy Pegasus after @quln responses you can close this topic. Thank you for your service.
  7. Hello @quln I uninstalled truckersmp and all of its stuff and downloaded again. Sadly but nothing changed. I found a double trailer in Kiel I bought before. I can use it without any issues. I can also fast travel with it but when I try to send it somewhere individually the same thing happens and game crashes. I also found I can copy this double trailer and make normal trailers doubled with this way. So may be the bug didn't fixed but I found another way to get double trailers. Thanks again for your helpful attitude.
  8. First of all I want to say thanks for your interest and help @quln 1. All of the 119 game files verified successfully 2. I ran ets2 with openGL and did the steps you said except the last one because I have a 7 days ban, nothing changed when it comes to buy a double trailer 3. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations. 4. It updated just some antivirus stuff. 5. I checked and updated them, all of my drivers are up to date. 6. I have no mods, I used to use a 3rd party application for some money and level cheats. my game.log file: https://www.paste.tc/gamelog-23 my game.crash file: https://www.paste.tc/gamecrash here is an in game video by me what is happening after I click purchase (at the end of the video, game crashes so nvidia stops recording): https://youtu.be/fiHe5TY0mbQ
  9. Hello everyone, first of all i want to say If i didn't choose the true topic i am sorry. I have a bug in ets2, my english isn't that good but i will try to explain it. When im trying to buy a trailer, i customize it then click to buy and after that a screen -which is including the map- shows up to choose which garage that trailer will be delivered. There is no bugs in normal trailers but when it comes to a double trailer (Im not talking about the HCT one bcz i don't have the dlc for it) in the last screen, the game map which is for delivering the trailer doesn't shows up and game freezes for 1-2 seconds then it crashes. I tried verifying game folders and trying to buy a double trailer with another profile but nothing changed.
  10. İlginiz ve bilgilendirmeniz için teşekkür ederim.
  11. 5 farklı kişiyi "inappropriate use of language" nedeni ile farklı tarihlerde google drive a yüklediğim ekran görüntüleriyle reportladım ama hiçbirinde "claimed by" kısmında bir isim gözükmüyor. Yani reportlarım değerlendirme altına alınmıyor mu? ne yapmalıyım? ilk reportum 17 eylül sonuncusu ise 24 eylülde. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sA_ESZmh5anLTqC2gRd8LfDdaVhtuLrU/view?usp=sharing
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