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Der Kiez Junge

Veteran Driver II
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Der Kiez Junge

  • Birthday 01/27/1993

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    (PM) British Columbia: Vernon
  • EU Garage Location
    (PM) Russia: Гусев (Gusev)
  • Known languages

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Newbie (1/13)

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  1. TruckersMP username in the Blacklist for VTC's Die VTC -wert ab von anderen VTC macht wie dies kaputt der Späti Chef ist Judge_Eugen https://truckersmp.com/user/4941835 Die VTC -wert ab von anderen VTC macht wie dies kaputt der Späti Chef ist Lstimo https://truckersmp.com/vtc/75017
  2. hello Der Heidektuscher

    1. Der Kiez Junge

      Der Kiez Junge



  3.  Book ELBE Event Personal CC Scheme! Supervision

    The new personal cc system from ELBE Event has been developed to make your life easier at trucking events. We do the planning and execution, you enjoy the event! Our goal is to encourage various municipalities to enter into a CC plan with us where we control ALL events to the highest quality so you can enjoy the event yourself instead of having to worry about CC.

    Our goal is to control ALL events that you want us to attend. We believe this will be of great benefit to your community as every event you organize will be run to the highest standard, encouraging more attendees to participate in future events.

    What do we ask of you?

    We ask you to promote ELBE Event on all the platforms you use and use our custom-made banners on your event page.

    We also ask that you encourage some members of your community to join ELBE as a member of CC. If we CC your event, all members of your community would not participate in CC if they do not want to.

    We ask that you keep us informed of any changes you make to your community or the events you plan.

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