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Veteran Driver II
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  1. Imagine stalking the map for something your eyes can see in game.

    1. IgorTMT


      imagine suggest to deny heavy cargo on CD road, who is the idiot who wants this???

    2. Sunstrider


      At least with Heavy Cargo, you'll be stuck behind Heavy Cargo as it struggles to do 30 up a hill.


      I'm not stalking our admin's locations on the map. Nor, do i use the map to stalk traffic ahead when i can clearly see the dots on my Vehicle's GPS.

  2. Suggestion Name: make game moderators appear back on the online map Suggestion Description: just make the game moderators appear back on the https://map.truckersmp.com/, like it was a few weeks ago. Why it should be added: This should never have been removed in the first place. 1. it was something that already happened and was hidden without information being shared with the players and the community. 2. for obvious reasons of driving safety, I always use the online map to check if I could overtake safely, but in recent days it has happened a few times that during overtaking there was no one in the opposite direction according to the map, so Suddenly a car appears and I had to give f7, or quit the game to keep the other players safe. Any example images: Krew is online and doing live on Twitch, but i cant see her on the map, even looking for the name.
  3. I think the removal of the ban duration message is a mistaken change, now an admin can ban a member of his VTC for 1 day and ban any other player more strictly for the same infraction, the player from the same vct will obviously not complain about being benefited, while the severely punished player will not be able to complain because he no longer knows who banned him to compare the punishments. The game needs more transparency and the latest changes go in the opposite direction.
  4. This is the best sentence I read in this entire thread. We need more moderators in the game looking at the reports, and it requires changes to the in-game reporting system, for example, perhaps a ranking where a player who is reported several times appears at the top with priority over the current numerical order, for this, It should be allowed for a player to be reported by more players, this system is very bad where you try to report the player and can't because it has already been reported before.
  5. HAHAHAHA Days ago I was driving along the c-d road, and there was a troll driving slowly and colliding with anyone trying to overtake, when he arrived at the brussels/rotterdam interchange he simply blocked the road and no one could pass, I sent a pm to a moderator traineer, and he just kicked the troll to brussels, 2 minutes later the troll was back and blocked the train crossing using the trailer, i went to send another pm to the moderator and guess what? he had blocked /pm, as he was the only one online at the time, I had to cancel my cargo, return the htc trailer and make a quick trip to amsterdam where he was so I could alert him, the moderator was standing on the side of the road with 3 more vtc mates doing nothing, then he told me that moderators weren't required to be everywhere, threatened to ban me for bad language and told me to record and report on the site. So i ask the moderation team: will the moderators also change the approach related to in-game reports? will we have more moderators playing at different times to ensure the smooth running of the game for everyone? personally I think this change is a shame, despite the abuses, the reports made on the site are fundamental and depending on the time, there is not even a moderator online to see the reports. and finally, my thanks to McNico, Mystere, HandofClash, SpectralProphet, Dylan and RJGAM3R the moderators who always read pms and ban trolls, you are the best.
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