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Veteran Driver II
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About NoahTheFurry

  • Birthday August 7

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  • Gender
  • Location
    London U.K
  • Interests
    cycling gaming streaming
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Colorado: Montrose
  • EU Garage Location
    Czech Republic: Ostrava

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  1. that is an amazing idea i reported a player and by the time i made the report they deleted there account i also think that if a player have had a report made against them then they cant delete it either
  2. Great idea i like it
  3. oh yes i like this idea i think it should be a 5 min cool down for advertisements
  4. see i put my videos on twitch but after a time they were deleted so unless someone is perm banned the evidence needs to be there forever and if a player gets banned for 90 days it needs to be stored elsewhere i use YouTube for mine
  5. thank you for the follow

  6. i have said this before in game they is a lot of stuff moderators do behind the scenes players are not even aware off but i think quality is better than quantity
  7. driving a skoda does not mean you can skip traffic jams they need to wait in the traffic like everyone else having a car does not give you priority over traffic
  8. i use youtube for my evidence
  9. 100% agree but as this topic does not mention about the change of application requirements it should be closed
  10. i mean fair play i just thought it would help easing the traffic in highly populated areas
  11. hmmm i see your point well if the light is green and you cant go stay put thats what i do if i cant clear the junction just like i do irl
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