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Veteran Driver II
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About (Furry)NoahTheGamer

  • Birthday August 7

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  • Location
    Toronto Ontario Canada
  • Interests
    cycling gaming streaming
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Colorado: Montrose
  • EU Garage Location
    Czech Republic: Ostrava

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  1. Agree buddy we can hope and see what comes out of this I apppre iate your comment
  2. it was more to the point that they could add the automatic high beams but it cannot be disabled
  3. as stated no report is left missed as stated i would suggest follow the other players advice i use medal to clip my evidence and all of them get accepted
  4. great idea fully support
  5. I play on sim 1 the 110kmh speed limit is realistic and i think it was done as in stand euro truck eu laws where trucks are governed at 65 mph 110 kph so in that sense sim 1 is realistic to speed limits 150 is not unless something changes sim1 will always have the most players i enjoy it regarding the bans i dissagree anyone breaking the rules should be banned from truckersmp not just from the server (as in happens now )
  6. i support this idea and as Sunstrider mentioned it is hard to communicate i think a translator would work well
  7. i use trucky really good they give you weekly achievements which i enjoy i as they said you could look for a vtc some of do require monthly quotas but thats because they dont want inactive drivers but yeah enjoy truckersmp and drive resposibly and best of all dont get banned
  8. hmmm that would be very interesting but i wonder where they would go lol
  9. Hopefully not long enough that I keep getting copyright warnings when I am streaming
  10. i like this idea it seems a ban means nothing and they still continue to ruin i am with you on this idea
  11. i agree great idea that would stop music being played
  12. Suggestion Name: Disable high beam headlights Suggestion Description: Having the ability to disable high beans headlights in the tab settings gameplay show additional lights where it shows beacons toggle this should include high beams too or either through auto high beams in the eurotruck simulator gameplay but this cannot be disabled it is always enabled at all times like the server speed limits Any example images: N/a Why should it be added?: it bugs me constantly having people either coming towards me with high beams on or sitting in traffic or driving behind you with them on i think it would really useful to have a disable option the high beams i thank you for taking the time to read this
  13. its not 450 km its about 340 now if my memory serves me right
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