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Veteran Driver II
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About WestlyTMP

  • Birthday 03/24/2005

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  • Location
    United Kingdom
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  • American Garage Location
    Not set
  • EU Garage Location
    Sweden: Stockholm
  • Known languages
    English, Czech

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  1. good afternoon TMP

    1. RedNub


      Afternoon o/ ❤️

  2. Good Morning Truckers ❤️

  3. Happy Birthday 🎂

    1. .Shelby


      Thank you very much Mate, have a nice day ♥

  4. I would be interested to see what happens, if that actually happened. Where would the chaos move to?
  5. Thank you for the follow! 🙂

    1. WestlyTMP


      Of course ❤️


  6. Good morning @Will the Werewolf, So, I have watched the clip and saw the issue you are currently experiencing. I believe it might be that your skills are not high enough for that drive or that you don't have the required skills for that actual job (https://truck-simulator.fandom.com/wiki/Skills). I am not sure what it could actually be, as you only showed the clip of the cargo market, but if you are low-level and don't have skill points assigned, then the issue might be there. From my knowledge about TruckersMP, they post Cargo Market as if you had all your skills unlocked, which could be the reason why it isn't letting you actually select the job. If you are looking to fix this, you can always use unofficial tools like Project ALM or the TS SaveEditor Tool to give yourself the levels and skills you need and then try to take a job. Or you can grind out the levels, which may take more time if it's a legit profile. I hope this helps <3.
  7. Take care


  8. Thank you for the follow ❤️

    1. Dark Devil.

      Dark Devil.

      Thank you for the follow 

  9. Moringgggg 💘

    1. RedNub


      Good Morning for y2 🐧

  10. Congrats 🤩

    1. Hockerto


      Thank you! :HaulieLove:

  11. My apologise, I should of have probably looked into this more. I knew that some does own Renault but I couldn't remember who did but yeah fair enought mate
  12. There was a limit on the Poll and I did also forget about the MAN
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