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Schak Bruijn

Game Moderator
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Everything posted by Schak Bruijn

  1. Great guide, now I can continue driving within TruckersMP in peace. ?
  2. Thank you to all the people that submitted their clips to us! We have reviewed the submissions and these are the winners of the very first Clip of the Month competition! 1st Place @Thatipe - EXP ARG https://www.twitch.tv/thatipe/clip/FurryDependableSwallowBigBrother-613fvfKsN73lgMJD 2nd Place @AzBrazilSP https://clips.twitch.tv/BlazingBrainyPistachioBibleThump 3rd Place @Relamqui https://clips.twitch.tv/ArbitraryTolerantBobaCeilingCat-HiRJYcDDq_aX5tez Congratulations to all three winners! The 1st place winner has received their profile reward from the Community Management! We hope to see to back in the competition next month! Have fun streaming streamers! TruckersMP Community Management
  3. This suggestion has recently been implemented into the game as this was already planned to do so. Thank you for submitting your suggestion to us. Kind regards, Schak Bruijn TruckersMP Community Manager
  4. Hello Sadly this is not a guide as it explains simple basic stuff that does not need a guide. If you want to create a guide about what to do when in traffic, make sure to explain everything a bit more in dept and also possibly with pictures. Kind regards, Schak Bruijn TruckersMP Community Manager
  5. Hello Kicckk, Please make sure to use the format when suggesting your idea. This way you make it easier for me to do my work and as it also is a simple requirement you'll have to follow I will therefore be rejecting your suggestion. It should also be noted that we decided to remove synchronised rain as it used to cause a lot of lag for a lot of players and would also effect the quality of our game servers. Make sure to check out these forum posts when submitting your suggestion:
  6. What is Clip of the Month? Clip of the Month is a community competition run by the Community Management for streamers to share their best clips from their stream. How can I enter? Stream either Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator on Twitch or YouTube. Have your viewers clip entertaining or amazing moments from your stream. Upload your clip here. What reward does the 1st place receive? The clip will be shared over the TruckersMP social media, which will help to attract lots of attention to your Twitch/YouTube Channel. You’ll get an award on your profile showing that you have won first place in this month’s edition of Clip of the Month. Rules: A maximum of 2 entries/clips per streamer per monthly competition. You must have your Twitch/YouTube channel linked to your TruckersMP profile. The clip must be from your own stream. Your clip can’t be longer than 1 minute. Your post must contain 1 or 2 embedded clips (visible on the forum without visiting external sites). Foul language should be kept to a minimum. Clips can only be submitted once. The clip can not be older than 30 days. Clips that are submitted must be at least 720p resolution or higher. Advertising virtual truck companies in your clip is not allowed. Clips submitted should not be modified (cropped, retouched or blurred). By submitting a clip you agree that your clip can be digitally modified by us and can be shared on our social media. Check out this knowledge base article for the ultimate guide on how to stream on TruckersMP. You can enter in this competition here!
      • 6
      • Like
      • Awesome!
      • HaulieLove
  7. Happy birthday big man Tyrone!

    1. James


      Omg ? Thank you Schak ❤️

  8. /Moved to Game Suggestions
  9. [PLAYER] @owen611624 has joined the team as an Official Streamer.
  10. Archived.
  11. Archived.
  12. Archived.
  13. Hello, Thank you for taking your time into submitting your suggestion to us. I have reviewed your suggestion but I've come to the conclusion to reject it due to one simple reason. We are trying to move towards a more realistic enviroment where simulation is key and we do not have any interest in getting such a search. Getting such a server would mean we would have constant false reports and also it would attract loads of trolls which we do not want. These trolls would also eventually go to the other servers and do the same thinking they are allowed to, while they are not. Also please do not tag us in your suggestion. There is no need to tag us as we check the suggestions whenever we have time. Tagging us in your suggestion won't speed up the process at all. Kind regards, Schak Bruijn TruckersMP Community Manager
  14. Hello, Thank you for taking your time into submitting your suggestion to us. I have reviewed your suggestion and I've come to the conclusion that something like this is simply not possible. We simply do not support something like this due to security reasons. If something like this would ever possible we would for sure do it but for now it's not possible. Kind regards, Schak Bruijn TruckersMP Community Manager
  15. Hello, Thank you for taking your time into submitting this suggestion to us. We have added the garages to the forum quite a long time ago but thanks for the reminder. We always try to add them as fast as possible but of course it's a manual thing so it does take a bit of time. Kind regards, Schak Bruijn TruckersMP Community Manager
  16. Hello, Thank you for taking your time into submitting your suggestion to us. I have reviewed your suggestion and I've come to the conclusion that although this would be really cool, it's simply not possible for us. There are many complications that occur if we would start discussing the probability of something like this. For example, Euro Truck Simulator 2 is a computer application that only runs on Windows. It's not for us to create a mobile version of this game. This would be something for SCS Software to create, although I don't think it will ever happen. It will cost a lot of work and dedicated time to create something like this, while we don't have the time for it right now. Every update the game receives would mean we have to update a total of 4 games instead of 2. (The mobile version of both ETS2 and ATS and the regular computer version). Because of this reason will I be rejecting your suggestion. Kind regards, Schak Bruijn TruckersMP Community Manager
  17. /Moved to Game Suggestions
  18. /Moved to Game Suggestions
  19. /Moved to Forum Suggestions
  20. Hello, Thank you for submitting your suggestion to us. I have reviewed your suggestion and I've come to the conclusion that this suggestion is more something for SCS Software to implement. We usually don't add custom map items. Only at events we sometimes add custom items to the map. Adding smart road signs like these would be something for SCS Software to implement so it stays there permanently. Thank for your taking your time into submitting your suggestion to us though! Kind regards, Schak Bruijn TruckersMP Community Manager
  21. Hello Lena, Thank you for taking your time into submitting this suggestion to us. I have reviewed your suggestion and I've come to the conclusion that we won't be changing the report limit. This is because this has been changed for several reasons. The amount of reports we are receiving is immense and the response time we give back on reports does also increase if we were to increase the report limit for users. Currently rule §1.4 explains us that report evidence can not be any older than 14 days and increasing the report limit would mean that it would take longer to review reports, resulting in people being banned for something they did several weeks, or even months ago due to a large report queue. I understand that it can be frustrating that you don't have any more space to report someone but sadly this is for us the only way to solve it. Also please make sure to use the suggestion format next time you're submitting a suggestion to us. Check it out here: Kind regards, Schak Bruijn TruckersMP Community Manager
  22. Hello Dogearmy, Thank you for submitting your suggestion to us. I have reviewed your suggestion and I've come to the conclusion that a function like this is already in TruckersMP. In your Tabmenu there should be an option called "additional lights" and if you click on that it will be disabled. Try and check it out! Because of this reason will I be rejecting your suggestion. Kind regards, Schak Bruijn TruckersMP Community Manager
  23. Hello, Thank you for taking your time into submitting your suggestion to us. I have reviewed your suggestion but sadly I've come to the conclusion that, although it's a great idea, it's simply not something we could implement into TruckersMP. There are several issues that would occur with this suggestion. Firstly, we don't have enough time and manpower to create a system like this and check all the applications that we receive on it. If we would "open the recruitment" for something like this, I can assure you we would get overloaded within days and that would cause everything to get delayed. This is because we have internal guidelines that we have to follow regarding applications and GDPR. It would simply not be possible for us. We also cannot create a new usergroup that would also be visible in the "Position history" on the website and mix that position with other groups. This would mean that for example Patreon's and staff members cannot apply for this specific role as we don't have secondary roles. Because of this reason will I be declining your suggestion. Kind regards, Schak Bruijn TruckersMP Community Manager
  24. Hello, Thank you for taking your time into submitting your suggestion to us. Could you please specify a bit more what you mean with a "selector"? I'm unsure of what you're referring to when you're talking about a "selector". I hope to hear from you soon. Kind regards, Schak Bruijn TruckersMP Community Manager
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