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Veteran Driver II
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Viex

  1. Viex

    Congrats Vicc 😄 !

  2. Sad to see you leave the team 😞  Take care!

  3. Congrats, Welcome back! 😄

  4. Congrats! Have fun 😄

  5. Viex

    Take care! 


  6. Happy Birthday 🎉


  7. Today we as Pries Logistics drove our "Pries Logistics Private Convoy #4". | Pries Logistics


    @HauSued72 @DarkCat_TMP @FelixZ1X. @Snow_Player [GER] @TR_Batuhan @FastTV @_Lucas [GER] @Rage.



  8. Today I drove a few WOT jobs! 🙂 | Pries Logistics



  9. Thanks for the follow! 🙂



  10. Today I drove a few WOT jobs! 🙂 | Pries Logistics



  11. Thank you for the Follow! 😄


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