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Solo Boy

Veteran Driver II
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Solo Boy

  • Birthday 03/06/2000

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    Nice to meet you ! My name is Solo Boy , l from China. l is a live car in China platform KS . l very love in ETS2 and ATS enjoy the beautiful scenery.
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Arizona: Yuma
  • EU Garage Location
    Not set
  • Known languages
    China and English

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  1. Happy Birthday 🎂

  2. Happy Birthday Solo Boy. 🎂

  3. Congratulations! 

  4. Congratulations! 

  5. Happy Birthday Nody ❤️

  6. Hey @Zeryeee I'm glad to see your question. Since the Trcukersmp plug-in has caused you trouble, I hope the reply can help you. 1. Uninstall Truckersmp (including the installation path) 2. Restore Truckersmp to default values and install and set the game path hope this helps you solo boy Truckersmp Driver
  7. Hey kalara//.\\ I'm glad to see the question you raised. Since truckersmp Support needs to confirm your email address as evidence, as for your email being banned, I think it's a very common thing. You can retrieve your email or provide your STEAM Proof of purchase, modify the email in STEAM, and upload it to truckersmp support for appeal. This is just my personal suggestion. I hope it can help you. solo boy
  8. hey Labas_Printar I'm glad to see the question you raised. My opinion is that it's can use. If you want to use train horns in the trucksmp plug-in, my usage plan is local mod. If trucksmp wants to use this plug-in, you can only ask trucksmpSupport provides feedback, or reports this issue to scs official For reference Solo boy
  9. Guest

    Happy Birthday! 🤩

  10. Happy Birthday!! 

  11. Congratulations 

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