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-Ji shisan-

Veteran Driver II
 TruckersMP Profile
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About -Ji shisan-

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  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Mannheim
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  • World Of Trucks

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Apprentice (3/13)

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  1. 感谢大佬的翻译,辛苦啦
  2. I can't wait to see ya all there!
  3. You can find the answer here https://github.com/mwl4/prism_default_depth_stencil_view_patch
  4. This is a good idea, it can definitely help the fleet ensure that everyone is driving at the same speed
  5. If the delay exceeds 600ms, it will be kicked out. I think 50mbps is acceptable. You can check your ping on the server
  6. You can promote it in the game, but you need to pay attention to § 1.3- Spamming or Abuse in the TMP rules. You can also find a dedicated VTC promotion channel in TMP's Discord
  7. The beautiful Greek sunset echoes with the bridge, forming a perfect picture
  8. Congrats!  

  9. Greece is a country with a dreamy coastline where white and blue blend. The setting sun gilds the houses with its afterglow. When night falls, the clear night sky unfolds the Milky Way like scattered diamonds, full of romantic charm.
  10. nice!I can't wait to get the Greece Dlc!!
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