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Veteran Driver II
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About Maxim.

  • Birthday July 21

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  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Düsseldorf
  • Known languages
    English, French

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  1. A report scoring system (aka players with highest scores' reports would have higher priority than null or negative scores) would be way easier to implement and would likely work much better. Penalties for spam-reporting could also make sense. A LIFO report queue is also a possibility in some situations.
  2. you’re not going to ban or kick every person who rear ends you, that’d just be dumb. what could help us a rework of the /fix command so you don’t have to wait 5 minutes between uses when in busy areas. or just anticipate and don’t slam on the brakes at the last moment . The punishment system should be getting any stricter, rather the opposite is true; that’s really not the issue. Also don’t forget about server tick time (1/4s on EUSIM1), client-server-client ping time and the lack of proper multithreading in the client code making collisions unavoidable in some cases. Artificial “intelligence” can’t recognise this sort of situations reliably enough.
  3. have you seen all the traffic jams caused by driverless cars or any of the other AI screwups? AI isn't ready yet.
  4. ok wtf is this

  5. Create a single report and include both links.
  6. Maxim.

    Operation HQ

    The achievement should appear on your profile within an hour of completing the job. If it doesn't, you might have to redo the job. A workaround for the traffic is taking the job, loading it (e.g attaching the trailer), using `/disconnect`, driving to the destination, reconnecting and then unloading. This should save you from the "clowns" and the queue. As for the ping issues, I can not 100% confirm that what you are experiencing is server-side, but a similar problem has been happening for quite some time now (just without the auto-kicks - only getting a very high ping and players moving at 1 fps). This question should, however, be asked in the appropriate category, where more people will be able to assist you.
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