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About mth.

  • Birthday April 18

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  • American Garage Location
    Utah: Salt Lake City
  • EU Garage Location
    Romania: Brașov
  • Known languages
    French, English

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  1. // Rejected
  2. Hello @Pramani, We're going to reject this suggestion as there is another similar one currently on hold: Thank you!
  3. // Rejected
  4. Hello @James_84, Thanks for your reply. Currently, there are city speed limits on the simulation servers while there are none on the Arcade servers. The server configurations and speed limits were reworked in 2023 (click here for more info). At this time, we do not plan to review these settings again. Therefore, we will be declining your suggestion. Thanks for your understanding!
  5. // Rejected
  6. Hello @DriverKingg, Thanks for your suggestion! As mentioned in the following suggestion, we are not looking forward to increasing the speed limit on the Simulation 1 server, as it is our core simulation server. If you would like to drive at a higher speed, the limit on the Simulation 2 server is 150 km/h, and there is no limit on the Arcade server. Have a great day!
  7. Hello @James_84, Please make sure your suggestion follows the template outlined here: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/announcement/234-read-before-posting-a-suggestion/ We will give you 48 hours to make the change, otherwise your idea will be declined. Thank you!
  8. Hello @ActOT, Thanks for your suggestion! We currently do not offer job tracking tools, although this is in our long-term plans to do so. As for other features, some are currently available to Verified VTCs through the API. Therefore, we will decline your idea. Thanks for your understanding!
  9. // On Hold
  10. Hello @NightBIade, Thanks for your suggestion and patience! As you may have noticed, a job tracker has been tested during our latest Halloween Delivery Event. Our long-term goal is to offer better tracking tools to players and VTCs. For now, we will put your suggestion on hold as we do not have an ETA to implement this solution. Thank you!
  11. Hello @Bеаn, Thanks for your suggestion! Unfortunately we are going to decline it as this would require a whole new system to authorize third parties to make changes to the TruckersMP systems via the API. This is not something we wish to invest efforts into at the moment, as we have other long-term plans for the VTC and Event systems. Thanks for your understanding!
  12. hiii  Community Manager

  13. // Rejected
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