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Veteran Driver IV
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About Scopander

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    The Netherlands

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  1. From Cambridge to Sheffield on the A1 it's 60 Km an hour all the way, not fun, anyway, I am not sure if it's a bug or not. My mistake, I found out I was no longer connected with ETS2MP.
  2. I love it, it's also player friendly, instead of a kick a player is teleported to a non collision zone. +1
  3. All you have to do is run it in Administrative mode, I had the same problem and that was the solution for me. Or you check your cache on steam, did you allow the program through your firewall ?
  4. Tried both suggestions but it did not work, I appreciate that you're trying to help though Kevin. UPDATE: I ran it in administrator mode, that worked !
  5. I have yes, I do use the MP Launcher and after reading your mail I have checked the games cache, it was fine .. (all files successfully validated)
  6. Well every time I finish the multi player, the next time I play the multy player ETS2 it's only a single player, no login just a singleplayer, when I redownload it works for one time again.
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