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Veteran Driver IV
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About warrior20305

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  1. Nope. Didn't work. It still freezes on the profile screen.
  2. I dont get the "register ets2mp protocol" message while in installing it.
  3. There are no error messages it just doesnt load up the launchpad.
  4. It didnt work.
  5. i tried that and it doesnt work
  6. Basically, the lauchpad isnt working. I am up to date with ets2 and ets2 mp.
  7. I have the latest download of ets2 mp and i have opted out of betas but when i double click on "play euro truck simulator 2 multiplayer" it doesnt launch it just shows the normal load up screen where you select your profile but then its just frozen. Any help would be great. Thanks.
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