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Jorje Spartino

Veteran Driver II
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Jorje Spartino

  1. Congratulations! Man that training was quick 😂

    Welcome to the Red Team pal!

    1. Justice Man

      Justice Man

      Thank you very much mate! Yes, It was a bit fast :kappa:

  2. Congratulations, brother! ❤️

  3. I'm a few hours late but happy anniversary to Prime Logistics ✨ and here's to many more! 🥳 

    Thank you to everyone in Prime who's constantly contributing to this amazing community to ensure a pleasant experience for all of us drivers 💜

     (Credit: Hyprimebgg)

  4. Thanks for the follow quiet kid 😘

  5. Take car man and best of luck


    1. Ali.


      Thank you:)

  6. Thank you for the follow 😊 

  7. Congratulations Big Ping Man! 🥳

  8. Hey guys! Sorry, I haven't been able to upload any content recently... I just restarted school after a whole month of online school so it's taking some getting used to 😅

    1. L-DR@GO


      Do have a great time in school 

      And focus on your studies 

      Gaming comes after school 

      Good luck 🫡

  9. Welcome to the Red Team man! Best of luck!

  10. Congrats  dude!

    1. Ata35


      Thank you :HaulieLove:

  11. Thanks for the follow and good luck with the remainder of your trial! 😁♥️

  12. Thanks for the follow! ❤️

  13. Thank you for your service, take care, pal! ❤️

  14. Thanks for the follow bud ❣️ 

  15. Thanks for the follow Red! ♥️ 

    1. PinkNub_


      You're welcome ❤️


  16. Congratulations! <3

  17. Thanks for the follow! ❤️ 

    1. Maxi.


      Thank you also for the follow! :HaulieLove:

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