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Veteran Driver II
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About .Mina

  • Birthday 02/04/2000

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  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Dover

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  1. I'm curious as to how this happened. It's really surprising
  2. Great idea indeed, this will increase efficiency
  3. The new player panel is great, and it would be better if the “time/date” was added back.Many thanks to the TruckersMP team for their work
  4. This is going to be fun, thanks!
  5. hi, There is a similar idea, does it release the digital IDs of accounts that have been deleted?
  6. Great creation
  7. Adopted your answer, thank you very much for your help, you can close this thread, thanks again guys!
  8. My reports are decreasing, playing the game isn't about reporting others or bumping, and it's being handled much more quickly in-game, a lot of the recorded ones have been banned, which is great, thanks to everyone on here!
  9. Hello everyone, I found a module in the game save archive, “/def/vehicle/truck/scania.streamline/accessory/c_badge/euro6.sii”, does anyone know what it is?What part of the truck is it in?
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