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Veteran Driver III
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About !Vamsi!

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  1. Thanks for the Follow!

  2. Thanks for your follow :HaulieLove:

  3. Hello Everyone,



    Today we INDIAN TRUCKERS have turned to 2. Two years before, ITVTC was started with few friends in a motive to gather all Indian friends together and play together. And today our motive is to call people from all over the world together and make the world's best and largest VTC. In view of our future aspires come true, we, the ITVTC staff are constantly working harder and harder to achieve all the VTC goals and aspiration. Hope so everyone continues to spread the love and make us more better through there unique thoughts and suggestions.


    Thanks and Regards,

    ITVTC Event Team.


    1. Guest


      Congrats on 2 years

  4. Thank you for the follow ❤️ 

  5. Vamsi Vineeth Andhra Pradesh
  6. Thank you for the follow!

  7. thanks for the follow

  8. Thanks for the follow

    1. !Vamsi!


      Thank you for the follow?

  9. ITVTC representing the Amazing BQS TEAM Convoy. 


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