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Veteran Driver VII
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About Drеam

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  • American Garage Location
    California: San Francisco
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    (PM) United Kingdom: (London)derry
  • Known languages
    English , Hungarian , Algerian/Arabic

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  1. This is a known bug unfortunately Ive heard there is nothing much they can do. Try using some kind of Lightroom to lighten up your pictures.
  2. Looking forward to this. If anyone has some truck configs then please do share it with me
  3. I was able to get it for a bit of a discount at around £400 and I will say it does not disappoint. I have put on around 80 Hours in the past 2 weeks. One thing I would change though is the parking brake on the shifter module which is very sensitive and the indicator stick which I thought would imitate a real stick but its more like a button that goes up and down if you get me. Apart from that though its literally just plug and play because everything is automatically binded. You can also change the stiffness of the shifter (loose for an old truck feel and stiff for a new truck feel) aswell as changing the modes between manual and sequential. The buttons for the most part are also very well made. Its a huge upgrade from my Logitech G27 which I got about 10 years ago now. I would say if you have the extra money lying around then you should 100% go for it just be sure to not go for Amazon and its crazy prices. If you have any more questions about the wheel I would be happy to answer them.
  4. Thank you for following :HaulieLove:

  5. Suggestion Name: /fix command updates. Suggestion Description: Basically what the title says. /fix command fixes both truck and trailer, aswell as Patrons have less of a cooldown for the /fix command. Any example images: N/A Why it should be added: Its more convenient for the /fix command to fix both the truck and personal trailer (not the cargo) and as for the cooldown I think it would be a nice little addition to the perks for Patrons.
  6. If your already past the lights there no need to look back if its red or not, you can just turn left when its clear
  7. I would personally just turn left at the lights and wait until it's clear. But if you feel safer going to the roundabout then you do you.
  8. Totally agree with this.



  10. rip speedy ina lillahi wa ina ilayhi raajioun

  11. Cant believe that Ive been a part of this community for 8 whole years.
  12. Nicely explained will definitely come in handy for all the newbies out there
  13. I couldnt find the "g_save_format" for some reason. Im not sure if this has to do with my profile previously being on the steam cloud or not. Could anyone help me out here?
  14. His bumper is really low and has lights on them and he also has a different headlight color? how do you do this . Ive also seen interior mods on mp and if anybody knows how to do that aswell it would be appreciated if you could lmk how . Thanks
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