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  1. Wow, wow, wow! What a great event. I'll see if I have time that day. I'll definitely come and participate when I have time!
  2. @Remcobenck Did you run on the C-D route, because there are many players in these places, which will cause certain cards and delays for players with poor computer configuration. Secondly, some players use some code files, which will also increase the carrying capacity of the server. If none of the above exists, it may be your network problem. You try to switch to another city, excluding the city in the C-D sample article. Do you have the same problem when changing to another city?
  3. Awesome! I'm looking forward to this event!
  4. @eisdev I can add a third. If there is an accident in the front of this lane, please slow down slowly and turn on double flashes to alert the rear vehicle that there is an accident in front.
  5. I very much agree with the above two players on the C-D speed limit. Some players do drive at a speed of 110KM/h on the C-D, which will make them dangerous drivers. At the same time, they are also forcibly overtaking when overtaking. Whether they are overtaking or not, or when they are overtaking, they will turn rapidly when they meet the opposite car, which will cause normal players driving in this lane to be forced to take emergency avoidance measures to avoid accidents. Sometimes, if you can't avoid it, it will also change from a small accident (2 cars colliding) to multiple accidents and serial accidents (more than 2 cars). In addition to the current winter module, some players will definitely install physical modules, driving Skoda or the front of the car, one foot brakes down, will definitely not be able to stop the car and will skid, which will affect the rear car, including the anticipation of the skidding vehicle when the car is approaching (a series of safety issues such as braking distance).
  6. Thanks for the follow mate <3

  7. Happy Birthday to you!😚

  8. The Halloween event (2024) looks great!Many thanks to the TruckersMP team for organising these events.I'm especially looking forward to the convoys and special assignments.Happy and safe driving to all.
  9. @FOXS_TRANSIT Hello! You can take a look at the following rules: §2.8 - How bans are issued The first 3 bans are issued at the staff member’s discretion. The 4th ban is thirty days. The 5th ban and consecutive bans are ninety days. Any bans older than 12 months at the time of the new ban being issued are ignored, this 12 month period is the ban cooling-off period. Ban extensions are based on the active (less than 12 months old) bans at the time of expiration and will not be altered if a ban goes over the 12 month period while the ban is active. If you have at least two active history bans in your ban history, staff will extend your next ban to a ninety days ban, regardless of how many bans you have had in the last year. Bans that are extended due to history cannot be removed, they are strictly thirty days and ninety days.
  10. @Andalusich Hello! I personally think that your suggestion is useless and will add unnecessary burden to the game moderator. On some busy roads (e.g. C-D, mines), even if the game moderator grants permission and drives a police car, the troublemakers will not drive honestly. You said that the game moderator should patrol with a police car and punish any violations. It is better to let the players abide by the rules. If the players abide by the rules, the game moderator will not have to do a lot of things. In a word, it is better to let the players consciously abide by the rules than to let the game moderator patrol with a police car. This is more practical than the game moderator patrolling with a police car.
  11. @kupson123 Hello! Regarding your question, I think you can lower the image quality appropriately. If you want to drive in a place with a lot of people, lowering the image quality may be a good choice. In addition, your computer configuration is indeed a bit low, so it may not be very smooth.
  12. Thank you for following 🙂

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