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Status Updates posted by Noxii

  1. How I feel when others keep saying stuff like "Oh I love you so much", "You and I forever" etc to their S.O on social media etc...



  2. New ETS 2 & ATS update is out adding support for multiple trailers, let mayhem begin when it's available for multiplayer... :mellow:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. [ST] Lilloote [FR]

      [ST] Lilloote [FR]

      Apparently it's not a tactic from SCS : they just said they had no doubt about double trailers in Scandinavia unlike other european countries.
      So if they check the other countries' driving rules soon it will certainly be available somewhere else in a short time.

    3. Rev.


      Respect to them either way, new content is always good for a games growth especially when it's free.

  3. Omg can Daenerys and Jon Snow kiss already... -_-

  4. Oh the joys of the D-C road, still not certain of what really happened there tho... :wacko:



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Love C-D road :D Never a dull moment :lol: I think when he hit the wall thingy ahe bounced out into you 

    3. LordBenji


      Hmm reminds me of something that happened long time ago. Two guys ahead, driver A lags, driver B rear ends A, driver A flies and flip on top of me ._.

  5. I had a player who recklessly overtook someone else and crashed into my Popo car today, I swear to god I have never seen any hit F7 so fast as he did there. :D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Noxii


      True and at the service station it was incredible to see how everyone tried to squeeze out at the same time only to exit the NCZ and start flying around, if only they could show a little patience and each leave in a beautiful line it would have gone so much easier and faster but no no lets just all squeeze out together at the same time... 

    3. ScaniaFan89


      Did the person they were overtaking speed up, that happens a lot & its really annoying....they drive slow on purpose & speed up as your passing them! Example:  Car is going 30-40mph on a 50mph limit on purpose to hold the truck up....watch what happens 


  6. Congratulations! :) 

    1. Yoyo_ManSg


      Thank you so much @Noxii:D

  7. Oh wait whats that that I see, might it be a week off there at the horizon...


    Oh nope wait, boss called. Gotta fly to Oslo on Wednesday... :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Noxii


      Truly is, was about to break down in tears when I heard him say "We got some happy news for you, you get to drive a 25.25m combo later next week, we're putting you on a plane to Oslo on Wednesday to drive it north" like yeah thats exactly what I wanted. And to make matters worse, its a Volvo FH16 750, think I'll puke. Thought it was illegal nowadays with torture...

    3. LordBenji


      I know how it feels. I was once being told that some day we would have a long weekend off, but at the end we worked. But that's how it is, I have to expect the unexpected.

    4. Noxii


      Yeah I guess so, but you gotta keep in mind that you gotta work to be able to live and not live to work.

  8. 3 hours late departure from the dairy company, looks like this is gonna be a looooong night and loads of energy drinks... <_<

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mirko9


      Safe yourney!

    3. Noxii
    4. videogamer


      @Noxii penguin was asking how you managed to get a 3 hour from the dairy company

      @Noxii penguin was asking how you managed to get a 3 hour late departure from the dairy company

  9. Another vid should be up for those interested, this time in a more city landscape. :)



    Departing from the warehouse in Tromsø at about 23ish(11pm I think it is in "ret**ded" units)


    As always your feedback and song recommendations is much appreciated! I am also interested if there is someone willing and able to help me make a cool intro for the vids and header and profile pic for the channel! :rolleyes:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CRO_TOMI


      I love high speed when i pass with 160kmh over the bridge

      this bridge in scandinavia right?


    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Beautiful :) I have got to visit  Scandinavia some day :)

    4. LordBenji
  10. A new video is now up for those who are still interested.



    Btw guys I could really use some help with music to use in the clips so if you know of any song or bands etc you recommend please give me a shout! :)

    1. LordBenji


      Nice fog, and gorgeous landscape :) I wish that SCS brings back some nice fog. For the music, you can always use copyright free music. Just be careful where you get free songs, because some aren't free to use in videos.

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Beautiful landscape and with that fog just gorgeous :):wub: Also wish SCS would add fog.

      Not sure if this is suitable but I know this channel does copyright free music


    3. [China-L F](036)CYR

      [China-L F](036)CYR

      SCS players love the music charts:troll:

  11. Wohoooo, the weekend's is over and it's time to head back to work and out on the roads now for another week to come... 

    1. Elysia ELF

      Elysia ELF

      Have fun and avoid the CD Road

    2. Penguin


      Have a good week Noxii :3 

    3. Elysia ELF

      Elysia ELF

      Hi my Noot Noot friend

  12. Bridge to nowhere. ^_^



    1. CRO_TOMI


      bridge to heaven :D

  13. Guys look at what I just did! B)



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Noxii


      Hehe yeah, quite shocked that we won actually cuz we we're a whole squad and I ran around with shitty scopes all the time. I only had a red dot on my rifles and we was thinking about camping a bridge and form a roadblock there however some other guys had already thought of that so they attacked us and 3 out of 4 of us got away and then we chased them away into a house and after that we rushed them in the house and killed all 4 of them and at the same time being attacked by others from the outside so I took down 2 other randoms comming at us and suddenly we were like the only ones left. Quite shocked that we survived so long with shitty scopes and the tactic and heavy resistance we encountered... :lol:



      aw thought this was a truck vid

    4. Noxii


      Haha @K??V?TI? more are coming on monday or something I think! :) 

  14. Paydaaaaay, hell yeah Noxii is getting drunk today! B)



    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Penguin


      Famous last words xD

    3. Elysia ELF

      Elysia ELF


      What i see is a huge traffic after you drive

    4. Noxii


      YEah might have gotten a  bit too much to dirnk guys

  15. A short video tonight recorded a few moment ago, had a bit of an incident with a seagull. Hope at least some of you may find it funny and get a laugh. :)



  16. Good evening everyone, for those of you feeling like it I just published a new video for you lot to watch, recorded earlier today while arriving into Tromsø. :rolleyes:



  17. Midnight trucking in northern Norway from last night, recorded around 2am Norwegian time. Please leave some feedback for me guys of what you think of it! :rolleyes:



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JeffSFC


      Please do more of these! I was searching for trucking time lapse videos a few days ago. This is exactly what I was looking for!

    3. Noxii


      I agree with you @Anriandor they make some pretty good music!


      Thanks @Killua // Ireland ^_^


      Certainly will do then @JeffSFC, actually I just finished uploading another one to YouTube that you can check out if you like. :)

  18. Please tell me that someone here has watched seasons 3 of the British tv show called "The Syndicate"?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TrademarkGamer


      Welp, I am slightly hooked. It's now my new TV show!

    3. Noxii


      Haha I told you it was awesome! B) Have only seen to episode 3 at the moment tho so please don't spoil anything @TrademarkGamer

    4. TrademarkGamer


      I'l try not to :P 

  19. I removed the old fog light and tiny high beams on my truck and put in double DRLs, what you all think about it? :rolleyes:



  20. Working nights like these can't get much better.



  21. Summer nights in Northern Norway at its best! B)


    (Pic taken at 2:30 am)


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Noxii


      That's out in Reine in Lofoten, northern Norway @Doppler effect

    3. CRO_TOMI


      nice picture

  22. Time to blast some Linkin Park through the night, RIP Chester! :(

    "And the shadow of the day will embrace the world in grace, and the sun will set for you."



  23. Isn't it amazing how when someone gets a promotion all of a sudden he/she seem to become to good for old friends anymore... :mellow:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Noxii


      Congrats on what? :huh:

    3. Merengue4ever


      i'm sorry i thought you just got a promotion , My Apologies :(

  24. Got the news today that my best mate at work is quitting and it's just DumDum people left at work now, feels worse than a break-up... :(

    1. Mirrland


      I know how that feels :(... But, try to remain positive and keep in touch with them.

    2. Noxii


      Nah I'll probably quit the job cuz it sucks without any fun people there.

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